Example code how to notify about events using Twilio and Quix platform. In this concrete example, we send a text message to the sender list when the BTC rate against GBP crosses the specified threshold.
- Connect CoinAPI to your Quix workspace. Here is a link to how to do it: https://github.com/quixai/coin-api-bridge
- Create a Twilio account and message service in it
Connect to Twilio account.
account_sid = "{placeholder:account_sid}"
auth_token = "{placeholder:auth_token}"
messaging_service_sid = "{placeholder:messaging_service_sid}"
twilio_client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
Set what commodity you want to watch.
rate_id = "BTC-USD"
rate_level = 59000
Connect to Quix topic.
# Create a client factory. Factory helps you create StreamingClient (see below) a little bit easier
security = SecurityOptions('{placeholder:broker.security.certificatepath}', "{placeholder:broker.security.username}", "{placeholder:broker.security.password}")
client = StreamingClient('{placeholder:broker.address}', security)
# To get more info about consumer group,
# see https://documentation.dev.quix.ai/quix-main/demo-quix-docs/concepts/kafka.html
consumer_group = "coinapi-alert-model-{0}-{1}".format(commodity_id, threshold)
input_topic = client.open_input_topic('{placeholder:topic}', consumer_group)
React to new stream incoming from topic:
# read streams
def read_stream(new_stream: StreamReader):
print("New stream read:" + new_stream.stream_id)
buffer_options = ParametersBufferConfiguration()
# We are only interested in reacting to messages with values of the commodity in question.
buffer = new_stream.parameters.create_buffer(commodity_id, buffer_options)
def on_parameter_data_handler(data: ParameterData):
buffer.on_read += on_parameter_data_handler
React to new message comming from stream:
def on_parameter_data_handler(data: ParameterData):
global current_position
df = data.to_panda_frame()
# We iterate all rows and check if they cross threshold.
for index, row in df.iterrows():
timestamp = time.localtime(row["time"] / 1000000000)
timestamp_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', timestamp)
message = "At {0}, rate of {1} crossed the level of {2} with value {3}." \
.format(timestamp_str, commodity_id, threshold, row[commodity_id])
if current_position == 0: # We are starting, we going to set where we are against the threshold.
current_position = 1 if row[commodity_id] > threshold else -1
if current_position == 1:
if row[commodity_id] < threshold: # We were above threshold, but now we are bellow.
current_position = -1
if current_position == -1:
if row[commodity_id] > threshold: # We were bellow threshold, but now we are above.
current_position = 1