When google reader closed, I moved to digg reader. Now that is closing down too I thought rather than sign up with another news aggregation provider I would just write my own.
There are two components to be deployed
RSSReader is the ASP .NET Core 2 server component that uses Razor Pages
RSSUtil is a background utility that you can use to import any existing feeds you have in OPML format. Its main job is to sweep all the feeds you are subscribed to and update the database as new articles arrive.
As this is written using .NET Core 2, you can deploy it on Windows or Linux.
Most likely you will want to deploy on Linux as the hosting is so much cheaper.
I used Armin Reiter's Feed Reader. Thanks Armin!
apache or nginx
mysql -u root --password=password --execute="create schema rssdb"
mysql -u root --password=password rssdb < ./SQL/rssdb.sql
dotnet RSSUtil.dll -d rssdb -i nameofopml.xml
(database is specified as schema:user:password:server:port. user default=root, password default=password, server default=, port default = 3306)
dotnet RSSUtil.dll -d rssdb -s
(periodically run from crontab)
RSSReader uses the .NET Core Kestrel webserver. You can't expose that to the Internet.
You first set up RSSReader as a service, for example using systemd:
Description=my RSS reader
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /apps/rssreader/RSSReader.dll --urls "http://+:5001"
Then you configure a reverse proxy to point to this app, for example in Apache:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName myrss.example.com
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/aspnetcoredemo-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/aspnetcodedemo-access.log common