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=== PressAboutUs Widget ===
Contributors: Yauhen Palcheuski
Donate link:
Tags: press about,press about widget,press widget,press us,review us,news and reviews,about us,most popular review,news,tabs,dynamic press, press about us,cloud, popular news, press room, press release
Requires at least: 3.0.0
Tested up to: 3.3.1
Stable tag: 1

Display the most popular news or reviews about your project in a widget. You could customize styles of widget or choose default styles: horizontal, tiny and default.

== Description ==
This is a simple "press about us" WordPress widget for your blog. It's very helpful for up-to-date check mood of your visitors or reviewers. Enjoy! Please, support the plugin - just write us. Thank you for using!

* Support

= Features =
* 3 default useful styles (horizontal, tiny, default)
* Title length.
* Description length.
* Limitation of reviews.
* Display recent news.
* Customization

== Installation ==
* Download the latest version of the plugin to your computer.
* With an FTP program, access your site's server.
* Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins folder.
* In the WordPress administration panels, click on plugins from the menu on the left side.
* You should see the "PressAboutUs Widget" plugin listed.
* To turn the plugin on, click "activate" on the bottom of the plugin name.
* You should have now a new menu item called "PressAboutUs Widget" in your widget menu.

= Tested on =

* MySQL 5.1.26 
* Apache 2.2.11
* Linux
* Explorer 8
* Safari 4.1
* Firefox 3.5
* Chrome 5.1
* Opera 9.6

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Changelog ==

= 1 =
* Beta release

== Upgrade Notice ==

== Screenshots ==

1. Screenshot Options
2. Screenshot Widget


Wordpress plugin for tracking "press about us"







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