Third project of the android mobile development formation OpenClassrooms wich is an application who connect neighbours
1. Clone the repository in a folder with git : ``` git clone ```
2. Open the project in Android Studio
3. Launch the Application on the emulator or your devices
For delete a neighbour click on the button with a trash on it
For add a neighbour click on the floating action button on the bottom right of your screen, complete the fields and save.
Click on the neighbour you want to see the details
Press the back arrow in the toolbar on the top left on your screen to return to the previous screen
Click on neighbour to open his detail
Press the floating action button with the star inside, the star should be pass from gray to yellow
Press the back arrow in the toolbar on the top left on your screen to return to the previous screen
Click on the favorite tab in the tablayout or swipe left to show the favorites neighbours. The neighbor who you have pass to favorite earlier should be here.