Vote bot for Reddit. Efficiently vote by subreddit, user name and keyword filters.
$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go build
The first time you run the bot it will create a database file in the directory named by the "datadir" configuration variable. You will need to create this directory in the voter working directory (or wherever you wish to store it), e.g.
$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/
note: this database tracks which posts have been voted on to prevent wasting vote requests
You must create a configuration file and pass it in with the -c
flag. See
the example.config.json
file and documentation below for the required fields.
$ ./voter -?
Usage of ./voter:
-c string
config file
downvote everything found in configured subreddits
-h enables hammer mode
-k upvote/downvote posts in subreddits based on keywords
upvote everything found in configured subreddits
-v enable verbose mode
upvote/downvote everything by users in config
This runs the voter based on the subreddit and user configuration in your config file. The voter will upvote/downvote users in the user lists, but only if they are found in the configured subreddits.
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json
This uses the upvotekeywords and downvotekeywords configuration to search through the configured subreddits for comments and posts containing the given keywords.
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json -k
Upvote every new comment and submission in the configured subreddit(s). The limit configuration property is important to configure if using this mode.
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json -ua
Downvote every new comment/submission in the configured subreddit(s).
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json -da
Vote on all comments and submissions from user names in config (regardless of subreddit).
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json -vu
Enable "hammer" mode based on subreddit, where every new comment (score of 1) is upvoted by someone, the bot upvotes it as well. If a new comment gets downvoted the bot downvotes it too:
$ ./voter -c yourconfig.json -h
useragent - http user agent to send to reddit from client
datadir - path to folder where you want to store database file(s)
limit - limit the number of posts to retrieve each iteration. tune this to popularity of the target subreddit(s)
sleep - number of seconds to rest between iterations of voting loop
ignores - array containing user names to leave out of voting
subreddits - array containing subreddit names to target
upvotekeywords - array containing keywords to search for and upvote
downvotekeywords - array containing keywords to search for and downvote
downvoteusers - array containing user names to downvote
upvoteusers -- array containing user names to upvote
redditaccounts - array containing logins for the reddit accounts you wish to vote with
"useragent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.2 Safari/605.1.15",
" case insensitive ",
" keyword ",
" or ",
" keywords ",
" to look for ",
" and upvote "
" case insensitive ",
" keyword ",
" or ",
" keywords ",
" to look for ",
" and downvote "