- Retreive metadata such as viewcount, duration, author, title, likes, comments
- Retrieve the URL to stream the video in a player such as vlc or mplayer
- Small, standalone, single importable module file (vimeo.py)
- Select highest quality stream for download
- Works with Python 2.6+ and 3.3+
vimeo can be installed using pip:
$ [sudo] pip install vimeo_dl
Here is how to use the module in your own python code. For command line tool
>>> import vimeo_dl as vimeo
create a video instance from a Vimeo url:
>>> url = "https://vimeo.com/140816903"
>>> video = vimeo.new(url)
get certain attributes:
>>> video.title
'[PHP][C++]Root Exploiter - No Back-Connect (Part 2)'
>>> video.viewcounts, video.author, video.likes
(647, u'Mukarram Khalid', 0)
>>> video.author, video.duration
('Mukarram Khalid', '10:00')
list available streams for a video:
>>> streams = video.streams
>>> for s in streams:
... print(s)
Download video with specific stream number:
>>> streams[0].download(quiet=False)
163,840 Bytes [0.56%] received. Rate: [ 275 KB/s]. ETA: [104 secs]
get best resolution for a video:
>>> best = video.getbest()
>>> best.resolution, best.extension
('1162x720', 'mp4')
get url, for download or streaming in mplayer / vlc etc:
>>> best.url
Download video and show progress:
>>> best.download(quiet=False)
212,992 Bytes [2.64%] received. Rate: [ 203 KB/s]. ETA: [38 secs]