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Frontend Mentor - QR code component solution

This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the QRCode in desktop and mobile view.


Screenshot of the QR code component


My process


  • I went over the design files to understand how the end result of the page should look.
  • I planned the layout, deciding to use Flexbox for easy centering and alignment.


  • I began with creating the basic HTML structure.
  • Next, I linked the Google Font (Outfit) and set up the base styles in my CSS file (style.css).
  • I then focused on styling the QR code component, focusing on mobile dimensions.
  • After getting the mobile layout right, I used media queries to adjust the layout for desktop dimensions, which admittedly not many were required, i only changed the font size for the footer slightly.


  • I tested the layout using firefox responsive design mode to view in different screen sizes.
  • I also viewed the website natively using my desktop PC and mobile phone.
  • I validated my HTML and CSS code using While not necessary, I think it can be useful for newbies.


  • This project was a great way to hone my skills. I look forward to completing more challenges in the near future.

Future Improvements

  • As I continue to grow and develop my skills, I am planning to delve into more advanced and modern web technologies such as React and Styled-Components.

Built with

  • HTML5 - for structuring the content of the webpage.
  • CSS custom properties - for defining reusable variables for colors, font sizes, etc.
  • Flexbox - for creating a flexible and responsive layout.
  • Visual Studio Code - as the code editor to write and manage the project code.
  • Github Pages - For deploying the live example.
  • Mobile-first design approach - starting the design for smaller screens and scaling up for larger screens if necessary (it wasn't, really).

What I learned

  • Focusing on mobile dimensions first and working your way up from there (if needed).
  • How to set up github pages.
  • Thanks to feedback from @danielmrz-dev I also learned a bit about semantic markup, such as using main and footer tags instead of div tags, and the importance of h1-h6 tags.

Useful resources

  • Github Pages - This helped me easily deploy a live example of my website for free, straight from my github repo.
  • W3 Validator - Good for spotting common problems in your HTML and CSS code.
  • StackOverflow - Great for asking questions and getting help to troubleshoot your code.
  • ChatGPT - Great for proof reading and finding any sneaky problems within your code. Also helpful for providing a starting point, so long as you understand the code it is outputting.


Nathan Addison, aka


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