The MATLAB version of the higher-order potential flow code FreeWake.
This markdown file holds information and records of VAP 3, development of a new input format for future versions of VAP. Similar to previous input files, parameters of the flight vehicle geometry are stored in ASCII text file but in XML 1.0 language. This will provide freedom for future versions of VAP and enable analysis of complex vehicle geometry and configuration.
- (*) Multiple Entry
- [FW] Parameter exists in FreeWake
- [VAP2] Parameter introduced to VAP2
- [VAP3] Parameter introduced to VAP3
(True | False) Toggle wake relaxation or fixed wakesteady
(True | False)maxtime
Maximum number of time stepsdelta_time
Inteval of each time step (second)start_force
Timestep number to begin force calculationsstiff_wing
(1 | 0) Toggle on (1) or off (0) structure modelfixed_lift
(true | false) Toggle fixed lift where lift = weight and freestream is calcualtedgust_mode
Select gust mode, 0 - No gust, 1 - Sine wave gust, 2 - 1-cosine gust, 3 - Sharp edge gust
Fluid density (kg/m^3)kin_viscosity
Kinematic viscosity (m^2/s)gust_amplitude
X position of the entire vehicle (Position of vehicle's origin in global reference frame)global_y
Y position of the entire vehicleglobal_z
Z position of the entire vehicleweight
Weight of vehicle (N)interference_drag
Percent of interference drag (often due to fuselage)speed
Freestream velocity of the vehicle (m/s). Set to 'nan' when doing fixed-lift analysisalpha
Overall angle of attack of the entire vehicle (deg)beta
Overall angle of sideslip of the entire vehicle (deg)roll
Overall angle of roll of the entire vehicle (deg)fpa
FPA (Flight Path Angle) = Pitch - AOA (deg)track
Track heading of the entire vehicle (deg)radius
Turning radius of the vehicle (zero = straight) (m)ref_area
Reference area of the wing (m^2)ref_span
Reference span of the wing (m)ref_cmac
Mean aerodynamic chord of the wing (m)wing*
(True | False)incidence
Angle of incidence of the root (deg)trimable
Defines a surface that can be trimmed (True | False)triangular_elements
Uses triangular elements, use with caution (True | False)chordwise_elements
Number of chordwise elementsvehicle_x
X reference position of wingvehicle_y
Y reference position of wingvehicle_z
Z reference position of wingpanel*
Number of spanwise elements in this panelstrip_airfoil
Airfoil name for this panelsection*
X position of section leading edge with respect to vehicle_x (m)wing_y
Y position of section leading edge with respect to vehicle_y (m)wing_z
Z position of section leading edge with respect to vehicle_z (m)chord
Chord length of section (m)twist
Twist angle of section (deg)
Rotational speed of rotor (RPM)collective
Collective blade pitch (deg)ref_diam
Rotor diameter (m)rotation_direction
Rotational direction, CCW - Counterclockwise, CW - clockwiseveh_x_hub
X location of center of rotor with respect to vehicle origin (m)veh_y_hub
Y location of center of rotor with respect to vehicle origin (m)veh_z_hub
Z location of center of rotor with respect to vehicle origin (m)veh_x_axis
Axis of rotation unit vector X-component with respect to vehicle origin (m)veh_y_axis
Axis of rotation unit vector Y-component with respect to vehicle origin (m)veh_z_axis
Axis of rotation unit vector Z-component with respect to vehicle origin (m)blades
Number of bladeschordwise_elements
Number of chordwise elementspanel*
Airfoil name for this panelspanwise_elements
Number of spanwise elementssection*
X position of section leading edge with respect tohub
and XY plane (m)rotor_y
Y position of section leading edge with respect tohub
and XY plane (m)rotor_z
Z position of section leading edge with respect tohub
and XY plane (m)chord
Chord length of section (m)twist
Twist angle of section (deg)
All numerical input would have a default unit assigned. (e.g. meters for the reference span). This can be setup with a unit
tag under the numerical parameter such that specific units can be converted to the default unit in future VAP releases.
For example:
<span unit='feet'>5</span>
would yield the same result as