Albumdy is an open source photo gallery built with Ruby on Rails and jQuery using some of my favorite plugins and practices.
A live demo is available at
There are many existing photo gallery apps around, but none I could find demonstrating the following key technologies:
- Built with Ruby on Rails 2.1
- CSS layout with Blueprint CSS
- Client side scripting with the popular and unobtrusive jQuery
- Lightboxing effects using Leandro Vieira Pinho’s jQuery lightBox
- Photo Gallery courtesy of Galleria
- Textboxing effects using Cody Lindley’s ThickBox
- Multiple file upload client SWFUpload
- Thin controllers with James Golick’s resource_controller
- File uploads and thumbnail generation with Thoughtbot’s Paperclip
- File storage with Amazon S3
- User Registration with Rick Olson’s restful_authentication
- Permalinks (SEO) using Randomba’s friendly_id
- Organized nested routes as described in Regulators!!! Mount up
- sudo gem install mime-types
- sudo gem install right_aws (If you want to use Amazon S3 for storage, although paperclip + S3 is a bit slow)
- git clone git://
- go to the application’s root directory I.e. cd ~/Sites/albumdy
- rename / copy the database.yml.sample to database.yml and enter your database information (I.e. cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml)
- gem install unicode
- gem install iconv
- rake db:create
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:bootstrap
- script/server