Welcome to LocalConsole! This Swift Package makes on-device debugging easy with a convenient PiP-style console that can display items in the same way print()
will in Xcode.
In your Xcode project, navigate to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependancy...
Paste the following into the URL field: https://github.com/duraidabdul/LocalConsole/
Once the package dependancy has been added, import LocalConsole and create an easily accessible global instance of
import LocalConsole
let consoleManager = LCManager.shared
Once prepared, the consoleManager can be used throughout your project.
// Activate the console view.
consoleManager.isVisible = true
// Deactivate the console view.
consoleManager.isVisible = false
// Print items to the console view.
consoleManager.print("Hello, world!")
// Clear console text.
// Get console text.
// Change the console view font size.
consoleManager.fontSize = 5