Welcome, fellow developer, to an epic journey into the world of open source contributions! In this exhilarating quest, you will embark on your first pull request and leave your mark upon the codebase. Are you ready to unleash your coding prowess? Let's get started!
To begin, you need to fork the mighty repository by following the steps below:
- Visit the legendary realm of srajankumar/pullquest
- Locate the fork icon proudly displayed in the top-right corner of the repository.
- Click the fork icon to claim your own copy of the repository and make it your own.
Once you have your forked repository, it's time to bring the power of code to your local machine. Follow these steps:
- Click the green button labeled "Code" within your forked repository.
- Copy the sacred URL that appears.
- Open your Gitbash terminal and unleash the following command:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/pullquest.git
Replace 'YOUR_USERNAME' with your magnificent GitHub username.
- Witness the repository materialize before you. Enter the enchanted folder by typing:
cd pullquest
Now, let's ensure the balance of the main branch remains undisturbed. Create a new branch within your repository realm using the steps below:
- Utter the ancient words:
git branch username-profile
Replace 'username' with your legendary GitHub username.
- Venture forth into this new realm with the command:
git checkout username-profile
Equip yourself with your profile sword, for it is time to add your unique profile details.
To join the hallowed hall of fame, you shall add your own profile details to the repository. Follow these instructions:
- Navigate to the 'src/components' directory within your local repository.
- Open the sacred 'data.json' file and behold the profiles that have come before you.
- Fear not, for you shall join their ranks! Using their wisdom as a guide, add your own profile in the following format:
"username": "your_github_username",
"name": "your_name",
"email": "email_id",
"quote": "sample_quote"
Replace the placeholder values ('your_github_username', 'your_name', 'email_id', and 'sample_quote') with your own information.
With each keystroke, you shape your destiny. Now, it's time to gather your changes and prepare them for the grand quest ahead. Follow these steps:
- Invoke the sacred command:
git add .
This will stage all your changes, ready for greatness.
- Commit your work with a powerful message that echoes through the ages:
git commit -m "Embark on an epic adventure: add my profile details"
The time has come to push your changes to your forked repository and illuminate the path for all to see. Execute the following command:
git push origin username-profile
The forces of Git and GitHub shall carry your code to the distant reaches of the digital realm.
Brave warrior, open your web browser and gaze upon your forked copy in your GitHub dominion. A new chapter unfolds before you as you create a pull request, a gateway between realms. Follow these steps:
- Select the
new branch
you have forged. - Aim it towards the realm of 'srajan''s profile branch.
- With a mighty click, submit your pull request and await the moment when fate intervenes.
- The repository owner shall review your valorous contribution and, upon successfully merging it, your profile shall take its rightful place among the honored ranks.
- Behold, as your name shines brightly in the submissions tab, a beacon of your triumph! ⭐
Congratulations, brave developer, on conquering your first pull request and leaving your mark upon the codebase. Your journey has just begun, and may your future contributions be even more awe-inspiring as you continue your legendary quest!
Now, go forth and code with valor! 🚀