This is a pretty nice project.
The original idea came from Steve Forde, who He a status sign to let his family know when he is in a work call. worked with a ESP8266, my version works with a ESP-01s and this is the prototype version:
Vcc --> 3.3v. (Do not use 5v!!!!!!)
Gnd --> Ground.
CHPD --> Vcc.
GP0 --> 10k Resistor --> Vcc & GP0 --> 220 Resistor --> Led --> Ground.
GP2 --> 220 Resistor --> Led --> Ground.
So, this project uses a library that allows the ESP32-01s receive commands from Telegram: Universal Telegram Bot:
- You need to install the library Telegram Bot Library in the Arduino IDE.
- Downgrade your Json installation in the Arduino IDE Library (See notes in code). This is because the Telegram Bot Library doesn't works with any 6.x version. (Select v5.13.5).
- Go to Telegram and add BotFather (
- Create your bot using the command "/newbot". It will ask you new bot name. It will ask for a username that ends with "bot". It will show you your unique Token. (This need to be paste it in the code). Save all this info.
1 ESP32-01S. (or similar)
2 Leds
3 Resistors (2x220ohms - 1x10k ohms)
1 Breadboard.
Jumper cables.
Power supply (3.3v)
The code is based on "Control an LED strip using Inline Keyboard on Telegram" by Brian Lough.
You can find my modified code here:
***Note: You need to know how to setup and upload the code to the esp32-01s. There is a lot of tutorials about this.
Turn on your ESP32-01s and go to Telegram and type in your bot:
/start (This is for the first time connection)
/options --> You should see the available options:
Now you are ready to go. the commands are:
On = Turn on pin (led) GP02. Off = Turn off pin (led) GP02. BT = Turn on pin (led) GP0. BTOFF = Turn of pin (led) GP0. ALLOFF = Turn of both pins (Leds). 10/20/30mins = Turn on pin (led) GP02 during that time.
With all leds off this is the consumption:
With all leds on:
After this, you should put it in a frame like Steve Forde did.
I still have a doubt, if I want this in a frame and I want it standalone, how I give juice to it?
This need 3.3v so if I'm going to use a battery (lipo/lion), I'll need a usb/charger-protection module but with a step down function. Do you have any recommendation?
I really hope you like this and helps you in your WFH period.
if you have any question let me know.