This project is a part of a study about WebSocket and Canvas. That is an example of how you can work with real-time data of multiples clients and join that with canvas to create more dynamic and impressive apps.
No data is saved in the server, all data stay in server memory and all data erased when the server restarting.
This project is hosted on Heroku, you can check a live demo here. 👈
This project is jQuery Free!!! 🤟
You just need clone the repository, run npm install
or yum install
and voila!
Our turtle's ninja friends appear mysteriously on a small island and to survive he needs to catch the piece of pizza that spawns randomly on the map.
The game permits 4 players but if more players enter in the game, they show like a ghost in the map, like a viewer.
You can see the scoreboard bellow the map, this show the score of every player in the game.
Rafael Boschini [email protected] My Linkedin | My Github | My Stackoverflow Profile