Intern at Edureka
- Dharwad , Karnataka
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iOS-StoryBoard-BillSplitApp PublicThis is my 10th iOS andd here i buit a bill splitting, tip calculating app.
Swift 2
iOS-StoryBoard-Clima-WeatherApp PublicThis is my 11th iOS App - Clima - The weather App built using API's by making HTTP requests with URL Session. Parse JSON with the native JSPNDecoder. Using Core Location too get the GPS data
Swift 2
iOS-UIKit-BMI-Calculator-iOS13 PublicMy 8th iOS App - Creating a BMI Calculator without StoryBoard using Classes and Structure implementing MVC archtitecture - Dr. Angela yu
ios-Cocapods-FlashChat PublicThis is my 13th iOS App - FlashChat - An authenticated app using Cocapods Swift Package Manage wusing Firebase Firestore as a Cloud Database
Swift 1
iOS-UIKit-NearMeApp PublicNearMeApp is an iOS application to search and display nearby locations buit using UIKit. To create a MapKit application in UIKit. The app will allow you to search closest points of interest near yo…
Swift 1
iOS-UIKit-Github-Followers PublicThis project fetches a list of followers from a GitHub username via a network call and allows the user to set and persist a favorite GitHub user.
Swift 1
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