Performance : In memory data access, up to 25,000 ops/shard (tested on EC2 c4.xlarge).
Horizontally Scalable : Performance grows linearly by adding more shards.
ACID Transaction : Full ACID transaction support on distributed environment.
MongoDB Compatible : It's just a 'MongoDB' with transaction support, built-in 'Mongoose' support.
- Install memdb
sudo npm install -g memdb-server
Modify settings in ~/.memdb/memdb.conf.js
on your need. Please read comments carefully.
Use memdbcluster
to control lifecycle of memdb server cluster
memdbcluster [start | stop | status] [--conf=memdb.conf.js] [--shard=shardId]
See the top GIF, note how ACID transaction works.
var memdb = require('memdb-client');
// just bluebird promise
var P = memdb.Promise;
var main = P.coroutine(function*(){
// All database access should via this autoconn object, you can preserve autoconn object in a global module that can be accessed anywhere
var autoconn = yield memdb.autoConnect({
shards : { // Specify all shards here
s1 : {host : '', port : 31017},
s2 : {host : '', port : 31018},
var doc = {_id : '1', name : 'rain', level : 1};
// Get player collection object
var Player = autoconn.collection('player');
// Make a transaction in shard s1
yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
// Upsert a doc (update if exist, insert if not exist)
yield Player.update(doc._id, doc, {upsert : true});
// Find the doc
var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id);
console.log(ret); // {_id : '1', name : 'rain', level : 1}
}), 's1'); // Auto commit after transaction
// Make another transaction in shard s1
yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
// Update doc with $set modifier
yield Player.update(doc._id, {$set : {level : 2}});
// Find the changed doc with specified field
var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id, 'level');
console.log(ret); // {level : 2}
// Exception here!
throw new Error('Oops!');
}), 's1');
catch(err){ // Catch the exception
// Change is rolled back
yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
var ret = yield Player.find(doc._id, 'level');
console.log(ret); // {level : 1}
}), 's1');
// Make transcation in another shard
yield autoconn.transaction(P.coroutine(function*(){
yield Player.remove(doc._id);
}), 's2');
// Close all connections
yield autoconn.close();
if (require.main === module) {
To run the sample above
- Make sure you have started shard 's1' on localhost:31017, 's2' on localhost:31018.
- Install npm dependencies
npm install memdb-client
- run with node >= 0.12 with --harmony option
node --harmony sample.js
Mdbgoose is a modified Mongoose version that work for memdb
var memdb = require('memdb-client');
var P = memdb.Promise;
var mdbgoose = memdb.goose;
// Define player schema
var playerSchema = new mdbgoose.Schema({
_id : String,
name : String,
areaId : Number,
deviceType : Number,
deviceId : String,
items : [mdbgoose.SchemaTypes.Mixed],
}, {collection : 'player'});
// Define player model
var Player = mdbgoose.model('player', playerSchema);
var main = P.coroutine(function*(){
// Connect to memdb
yield mdbgoose.connectAsync({
shards : { // specify all shards here
s1 : {host : '', port: 31017},
s2 : {host : '', port: 31018},
// Make a transaction in s1
yield mdbgoose.transactionAsync(P.coroutine(function*(){
var player = new Player({
_id : 'p1',
name: 'rain',
areaId : 1,
deviceType : 1,
deviceId : 'id1',
items : [],
// insert a player
yield player.saveAsync();
// find player by id
var doc = yield Player.findByIdAsync('p1');
console.log('%j', doc);
// find player by areaId, return array of players
var docs = yield Player.findAsync({areaId : 1});
console.log('%j', docs);
// find player by deviceType and deviceId
player = yield Player.findOneAsync({deviceType : 1, deviceId : 'id1'});
// update player
player.areaId = 2;
yield player.saveAsync();
// remove the player
yield player.removeAsync();
}), 's1');
if (require.main === module) {
To run the sample above:
- Add the following index config in memdb.conf.js
collections : {
player : {
indexes : [
keys : ['areaId'],
keys : ['deviceType', 'deviceId'],
unique : true,
- Restart memdb cluster
memdbcluster stop
memdbcluster drop // drop existing data if database is not empty
memdbcluster start
- Make sure you have started shard 's1' on localhost:31017
- Install npm dependencies
npm install memdb-client
- Run with node >= 0.12 with --harmony option
node --harmony sample.js
- Data is not bind to specified shard, you can access any data from any shard.
- All operations inside a single transaction must be executed on one single shard.
- Access the same data from the same shard if possible, which will maximize performance.
Please read The Wiki for further reference
- Github Issue
- Mailing list: [email protected]
- Email: [email protected]
Copyright 2015 The MemDB Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.