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horus committed Dec 13, 2010
1 parent 27d6fca commit 35ddba6
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 92 deletions.
154 changes: 62 additions & 92 deletions sections/handling_warnings.pod
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
=head1 Handling Warnings
=encoding utf-8

=head1 处理警告


Perl 5 produces optional warnings for many confusing, unclear, and ambiguous
situations. Even though you should almost always enable warnings
unconditionally, certain circumstances dictate prudence in disabling certain
warnings--and Perl supports this.
Perl 5 会针对各类令人困惑、不甚清楚、带有歧义的情况产生可选的警告。虽然你应该
并且 Perl 支持这样做。

=head2 Producing Warnings
=head2 产生警告


X<keywords; warn>

Use the C<warn> keyword to emit a warning:
可使用 C<warn> 关键字发出警告:

=begin programlisting

warn 'Something went wrong!';

=end programlisting

C<warn> prints a list of values to the STDERR filehandle (L<filehandle>). Perl
will append the filename and line number on which the C<warn> call occurred
unless the last element of the list ends in a newline.
C<warn> 将一个值列表打印至 STDERR 文件句柄(L<filehandle>)。Perl 会将文件名和
C<warn> 调用发生的行号附加其后,除非列表最后一个元素以换行结尾。

X<Carp; carp()>
X<Carp; cluck()>
X<Carp; croak()>
X<Carp; confess()>

The core C<Carp> module offers other mechanisms to produce warnings. Its
C<carp()> function reports a warning from the perspective of the calling code.
That is, you could check the arity of a function (L<arity>) with:
核心模块 C<Carp> 提供了其他产生警告的机制。其中的 C<carp()> 函数把警告以调用方

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -49,44 +48,36 @@ That is, you could check the arity of a function (L<arity>) with:

=end programlisting

... and anyone who reads the error message will receive the filename and line
number of the I<calling> code, not C<only_two_arguments()>. Similarly,
C<Carp>'s C<cluck()> produces an entire backtrace of all function points up to
its call.
……阅读错误消息的每一个人将得知 I<调用方> 代码文件名和行号,而非 C<only_two_arguments()>。
类似地,C<Carp> 中的 C<cluck()> 输出到此调用为止的所有函数调用栈跟踪。

X<Carp; verbose>

To track down weird warnings or exceptions throughout your system, enable
C<Carp>'s verbose mode throughout the entire program:
为在系统范围内全面跟进怪异的警告或异常,可以对整个程序启用 C<Carp> 的详细模式:

=begin programlisting

$ perl -MCarp=verbose

=end programlisting

This changes all C<croak()> calls to produce C<confess()>'s behavior and all
C<carp()> calls to C<cluck()>'s behavior.
这样便将所有 C<croak()> 调用改为 C<confess()> 的行为而所有 C<carp()> 调用改为 C<cluck()>

=head2 Enabling and Disabling Warnings
=head2 启用和禁用警告

X<command-line arguments; -w>

Lexical encapsulation of warnings is as important as lexical encapsulation of
variables. Older code may use the C<-w> command-line argument to enable
warnings throughout the program, even if other code has not specifically
attempted to suppress warnings. It's all or nothing. If you have the
wherewithal to eliminate warnings and potential warnings throughout the entire
codebase, this can be useful.
对警告的词法封装如同对变量的词法封装一样重要。旧式代码可能会使用 C<-w> 命令行参数对

X<pragmas; warnings>

The modern approach is to use the C<warnings> pragma. The presence of C<use
warnings;> or an equivalentN<Such as C<use Modern::Perl;>> in code indicates
that the authors intended that normal operation of the code should not produce
现代化的方法是使用 C<warnings> 编译命令。在代码中对 C<use warnings;> 或其等价 N<诸如 C<use Modern::Perl;>>

=begin sidebar

Expand All @@ -95,115 +86,98 @@ X<command-line arguments; -W>
X<command-line arguments; -X>

The C<-W> flag enables warnings throughout the program unilaterally, regardless
of lexical enabling or disabling through the C<warnings> pragma. The C<-X>
flag I<disables> warnings throughout the program unilaterally. Neither is
C<-W> 命令行参数单方面对整个程序启用警告,而不顾 C<warnings> 编译命令的词法启、禁用。C<-X>
参数对整个程序单方面 I<禁用> 警告。没有哪个参数是常用的。

=end sidebar

X<global variables; $^W>

All of C<-w>, C<-W>, and C<-X> affect the value of the global variable C<$^W>.
Code written before the C<warnings> pragma (Perl 5.6.0 in spring 2000) may
C<local>ize C<$^W> to suppress certain warnings within a given scope. New code
should use the pragma instead.
所有 C<-w>、C<-W> 和 C<-X> 影响全局变量 C<$^W> 的值。在 C<warnings> 编译命令出现(2000 年
春季,Perl 5.6.0)之前编写的代码,也许会 C<local> 化 C<$^W> 以在给定的作用域内压制某些警告。

=head2 Disabling Warning Categories
=head2 禁用警告类

To disable selective warnings within a scope, use C<no warnings;> with an
argument list. Omitting the argument list disables all warnings within that
要在作用域内选择性禁用警告,使用 C<no warnings;> 并提供一列参数。忽略参数列表则在该作用域

C<perldoc perllexwarn> lists all of the warnings categories your version of
Perl 5 understands with the C<warnings> pragma. Most of them represent truly
interesting conditions in which Perl may find your program. A few may be
unhelpful in specific conditions. For example, the C<recursion> warning will
occur if Perl detects that a function has called itself more than a hundred
times. If you are confident in your ability to write recursion-ending
conditions, you may disable this warning within the scope of the recursion.
(Alternately see L<tail_calls>.)
C<perldoc perllexwarn> 列出了你的 Perl 5 版本在使用 C<warnings> 编译命令时能够理解的所
有类别的警告。它们中的大多数代表了你的程序可能会陷入的一些非常有意思的条件,并且可由 Perl
认出。另有一小部分在特定条件下不那么有用。举例来说,如果 Perl 检测到一个函数自行调用在
一百次以上,则产生 C<recursion> 警告。如果你对你编写递归函数的能力有信心,可以在递归的
作用域内禁用次警告(另行参见 L<tail_calls>。)

If you're generating code (L<code_generation>) or locally redefining symbols,
you may wish to disable the C<redefine> warnings.
如果你正生成代码(L<code_generation>)或局部地重定义符号,你或许想禁用 C<redefine> 警告。

Some experienced Perl hackers disable the C<uninitialized> value warnings in
string-processing code which concatenates values from many sources. Careful
initialization of variables can avoid the need to disable the warning, but
local style and concision may render this warning moot.
一些有经验的 Perl 黑客在从众多来源拼接值的字符串处理代码内禁用 C<uninitialized> 值的警告。

=head2 Making Warnings Fatal
=head2 致命的警告

X<warnings; fatal>

If your project considers warnings as onerous as errors, you can make them
lexically fatal. To promote I<all> warnings into exceptions:
如果你的项目视警告如错误般繁重,你可以使其词法致命。让 I<所有> 警告提升为异常:

=begin programlisting

use warnings FATAL => 'all';

=end programlisting

You may also make specific categories of warnings fatal, such as the use of
deprecated constructs:

=begin programlisting

use warnings FATAL => 'deprecated';

=end programlisting

=head2 Catching Warnings
=head2 捕获警告

X<signal handlers; __WARN__>
X<warnings; catching>

Just as you can catch exceptions, so you can catch warnings. The C<%SIG>
variable holds handlers for all sorts of signals Perl or your operating system
might throw. It also includes two slots for signal handlers for Perl 5
exceptions and warnings. To catch a warning, install an anonymous function
into C<$SIG{__WARN__}>:
就像你可以捕获异常,你也可以捕获警告。C<%SIG> 变量持有所有类型的信号处理器,这些
信号可由 Perl 或你的操作系统抛出。它还包括两个专为 Perl 5 异常和警告准备的信号处
理器槽。要捕获警告,将一个匿名函数安装到 C<$SIG{__WARN__}>:

=begin programlisting

my $warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= shift };

# do something risky
# 做一些冒险的事
say "Caught warning:\n$warning" if $warning;

=end programlisting

Within the warning handler, the first argument is the warning's message.
Admittedly, this technique is less useful than disabling warnings
lexically--but it can come to good use in test modules such as
C<Test::Warnings> from the CPAN, where the actual text of the warning is
警告那么有用────但它在如来自 CPAN 的 C<Test::Warnings> 等测试模块内得到良好的

=begin sidebar

C<perldoc perlvar> discusses C<%SIG> in more detail.
C<perldoc perlvar> 更为详细地讨论了 C<%SIG>

=end sidebar

=head2 Registering Your Own Warnings
=head2 注册自己的警告


X<warnings; registering>
X<lexical warnings>

With the use of the C<warnings::register> pragma you can even create your own
lexical warnings so that users of your code can enable and disable lexical
warnings as appropriate. This is easy to accomplish; from a module, C<use> the
C<warnings::register> pragma:
对 C<warnings::register> 编译命令的使用可以让你创建自己词法警告,使你代码的用户
可以按合适启用、禁用词法警告。很容易就可以做到────在某模块内,用 C<use> 引入
C<warnings::register> 编译命令:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -215,11 +189,9 @@ C<warnings::register> pragma:

=end programlisting

This will create a new warnings category named after the package (in this case,
C<Scary::Monkey>). Users can enable it explicitly with C<use warnings
'Scary::Monkey'> or disable it explicitly with C<no warnings 'Scary::Monkey'>.
To report a warning, use the C<warnings::warn()> function in conjunction with
这将创建一个按此包命名的新警告类别(此例中是 C<Scary::Monkey>)。用户可以显式地用
C<use warnings 'Scary::Monkey'> 启用或用 C<no warnings 'Scary::Monkey'> 显式禁用它。
要报告一条警告,结合 C<warnings::enabled()> 使用 C<warnings::warn()> 函数:

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -237,9 +209,8 @@ C<warnings::enabled()>:

=end programlisting

If C<warnings::enabled()> is true, then the calling lexical scope has this
warning enabled. You can also report warnings for an existing warnings
category, such as the use of deprecated constructs:
如果 C<warnings::enabled()> 为真,那么调用方词法作用域即启用此项警告。你也可

=begin programlisting

Expand All @@ -258,7 +229,6 @@ category, such as the use of deprecated constructs:

=end programlisting

The C<warnings::warnif()> function checks the named warnings category and
reports the error if it's active.
C<warnings::warnif()> 函数检查具名警告类别并在其活动时报告。

See C<perldoc perllexwarn> for more details.
更多细节参见 C<perldoc perllexwarn>

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