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## HOW TO START ## You'll be presented with a Menu Screen, from which you can select (by typing in) "Play", "Help" or "Quit" Play - Begin the Adventure Help - brings up the help menu Quit - Exits the Program ## NAME AND CHARACTER SELECTION ## You'll be prompted to enter your name - this is case sensitive and however you type your name in will usually be how it is displayed during the game. Once you've entered your name, hit "enter" to continue. You'll then be asked to select a character type (class). Case sensitivity does not matter for program functionality, but however you type in your character type is how it will be presented to you for the rest of the game. Your options are: !!WARRIOR!! _,.", ,` -.)", ( _/-\\-._", /,|`--._,-^| ,", \\_| |`-._/|| ,'|", | `-, / | / /", | || | / /", `r-._||/ __ / /", __,-<_ )`-/ `./ /", ' \\ `---' \\ / /", | |./ /", / // /", \\_/' \\ |/ /", | | _,^-'/ /", | , `` (\\/ /_", \\,.->._ \\X-=/^", ( / `-._//^`", `Y-.____(__}", | {__)", ()" The Warrior is a powerful class, focused on brute strength. In game, look for typical melee weapons such as swords and knives to strengthen your attack points. Default values for the Warrior are: Health Points: 120 Attack Points: 50 Magic Points: 20 !!MAGE!! _,-'|", ,-'._ |", .||, |####\\ |", \\.`',/ \\####| |", = ,. = |###| |", / || \\ ,-'\#/,'`.", || ,' `,,. `.", ,|____,' , ,;' \\| |", (3|\\ _/|/' _| |", ||/,-'' | >-'' _,\\\\", ||' ==\\ ,-' ,'", || | V \\ ,|", || | |` |", || | | \\", || | \\ \\", || | | \\", || | \\_,-'", || |___,,--)_\\", || |_| ccc/", || ccc/", || hjm" The Mage is a magical class, focused on spells and enchantments. In game, look for typical magic weapons such as wands to strengthen your magic points. Default values for the Warrior are: Health Points: 20 Attack Points: 30 Magic Points: 120 !!PRIEST!! .---.", /` ___|`\\", |_/ \\|", ( -/- )", \\_ - _/", .-'|_|'-.", / \\", / O \\", / _____!_____ \\", /.-------------.\\", \\| ,;, |/", | ;;; |", | ;;;;;;;;; |", | `';;;'` |", | ;;; |", | ;;; |", | ::: |", | ';' |", | |", _| _ __ __ _|_", _/ _ __ ___ __ _\\_", _/ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ \\_" The Priest is a balanced class, but better with magic than with brute force attacks. You'll have more health points than the Mage, but not as much as the Warrior. In game, look for typical magic weapons such as wands to strengthen your magic points. Default values for the Warrior are: Health Points: 70 Attack Points: 20 Magic Points: 70 ## CONTROLS - IN GAME ## Once the game starts, you'll find yourself in the Central Forest. See the grid below for a basic map, or view the attached PDF which is a map of Lithuin Island for more details about any particular area. Your options are: Move - you can move to a different area by entering the command for up or north, east or right, etc Accepted commands instead of MOVE that do the same thing are: "move", "go", "travel", "walk", "journey", "run" Quit - you can quit the game at any point, whilst not in a battle. Progress will not be saved. Examine - in any given area, you can take a closer look. This will prompt whatever creature awaits you, or whatever item may be available. Accepted commands instead of EXAMINE that do the same thing are: "examine", "look", "peek", "interact" Equip - you can equip a weapon from your inventory at any point, except when in battle Potion - you cna drink a potion at any time, including in battle. This will add 40 HP to your character Liquid - If you come across the special "Restoring Liquid", you can drink this at any time except when in battle, for a health boost of 70HP ## MAP ## Please see the full Lithuin Island Map [date] for detail on any area. The below key is applicable - Enemies - Hexagon - Key Item - Rectangle - Weapon - Triangle - Important Info - Diamond ## MAP GRID ## A B C D E +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 1 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 2 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 3 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 4 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 5 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 6 +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | 7 +---+---+---+---+---+ A1 = BLANK A2 = SEA A3 = SEA A4 = WEST BEACH A5 = SEA A6 = SEA A7 = BLANK B1 = SEA B2 = NORTH WEST DESSERT B3 = NORTH WEST FORREST B4 = PLAINS B5 = HORIZON MOUNTAIN B6 = LIGHTHOUSE B7 = SEA C1 = SEA C2 = NORTH DESSERT C3 = FARMLANDS C4 = CENTRAL FORREST (START) C5 = LUMBER TOWN C6 = SWAMP C7 = SEA D1 = SEA D2 = NORTH EAST DESSERT D3 = NORTH EAST FORREST D4 = CAVE D5 = GOURDA CASTLE D6 = SOUTH EAST BEACH D7 = SEA E1 = BLANK E2 = SEA E3 = SEA E4 = BLANK E5 = SEA E6 = SEA E7 = BLANK ## ITEMS AND SPECIAL ITEMS ## Items can be catagorised as Weapons (items) or Special Items. Special Items include Keys for access to specific areas of the map, and are only obtained after beating a specific enemy that is guarding the relevant key. Special Items also include the Restoring Liquid All other items except potions are equipable, and can be equipped by using the "equip" command when not in battle. Any item that starts with "Legendary" will have higher stats than the basic version of that weapon. You start the game with no weapons, and two potions. ## KNOWN BUGS ## (updated 31 08 2023) on defeat, game restart = yes calls "enter name" but then game closes need to limit amount of restoring liquid available from north east dessert need to limit access to gourda castle and lighthouse without getting key first "locked" areas are currently accessible without the relevant key ## FUTURE PLANS ## (updated 31 08 2023) - Include Status Effects - Give enemies weaknesses based on player class (such as magic, or specific weapons) - Defense stats, which can be modified by equipping a shield or relevant spell - Special/Critical Attacks - Weapon Variations Thanks for reading this, and for taking the time to play - please submit any feedback or bug reports via GitHub Enjoy Lithuin Island
Text based RPG Fantasy Game - navigate the island, defeat the enemies, unlock the secrets - WORK IN PROGRESS
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