This full-stack application allow user to plan his/her plant house using all the features. By using our application user can add his plant details such categories of plant, plant name, Botanic name, sun exposure, watering frequency, planting date and other details. User can get the notification about what should be done at what time to make plants healthier. User also can update and delete their plants from their profile
Our group decided to make a project on plant planer. This application will allow user to login on their profile and access all previously added plants. User can view different pages such as categories, view added plant, update plants. User can store multiple plant details as per their plan.
AS A user
I WANT to make plan for my plants by using one single application which store all my current and previous data. SO THAT I can take care of my plants carefully with all necessary steps to nurture.
GIVEN a full-stake application with form inputs
WHEN I open my planner THEN I am able to sign up for my plant planer WHEN I open it I can
WHEN I go to sign up page THEN I can crete my profile with using my details WHEN I click on name placeholder THEN I can add my name on it WHEN I click on email placeholder THEN I am able to add my email address WHEN I click on password placeholder THEN I am able to create password for my account WHEN I click on submit button THEN my profile could be generated
WHEN I go to login page THEN I can log in in my account WHEN I click on email placeholder THEN I am able to add my email address WHEN I click on password placeholder THEN I am able to type password for my account WHEN I click on submit button THEN I am able to access my profile dashboard
WHEN I go to my user dashboard THEN I am able to see my categories WHEN I click on view category THEN I am able to see the category details WHEN I click on add category button THEN I am able to see all adding details in the other page WHEN I delete category THEN I am able to delete the particular category WHEN I click on category THEN I can redirect to plants page of that category.
WHEN I click on plant form THEN I am able to add plant name I am also able to add botanical name I am also able to add Sun Exposure I am also able to add mature size of the plant I am also able to add type of soil that required for the plant I am also able to add date planted and purchased from date selection I am also able to add location such as garden, bedroom etc I am also able to add watering frequency I am also able to add watering frequency interval WHEN I click on the submit button THEN I am able to save my plant details
WHEN I click on view update button THEN I AM able to redirect to update form WHERE I can view my plants details and update them as per requirement.
For commit history please see the original repo: The code in this repo is broken as we faced alot of issues pushing the code to the main branch. We would get alot of conflicts but weren't able to resolve them in Git-Hib. So we add the your-plant-house repo to get the app working.