Save your tasks by hour, all past, present and future tasks are displayed in different colors
Your are presented with a work day scheduler with the "current day" displayed at the top.
You are presented with a work day scheduler that displays hourly time blocks in the form of rows.
All of these rows are built dynamically through javascript.
rows are displayed in three different colors for past,present and future time blocks relative to the current hour.
if you are opening calender on the same day, your tasks are retained but if you open it on next day you will be presented with a new blank scheduler to plan your day.
user can enter tasks in the time blocks.
when user presses save button, the data is saved in the local storage as an object with id and text as its elements
user can change the data by deleting the current text and entering a new text and pressing save button
all the tasks and time are stored in local storage as objects.
+live app link :
+Screenshots :
JQuery, MomentJS, Javascript, HTML CSS
© Rajni Dua
Licensed under the MIT License