This is a demo of projectile motion. The program finds the best angle and initial velocity using calculus. All useful information like horizontal range, velocity etc. are shown in the top left corner. The calculations might not be accurate. The code is quite messy because I rushed the project.
- Left mouse click makes the bucket go to the left, thus reducing the horizontal range. Right click does the opposite.
- Press space button to start the simulation.
- Press 'R' anytime to reset the simulation.
- Python
- Poetry (optional)
- The command below uses git. You can also download zip version.
git clone && cd projectile-motion
- If you have poetry installed, do the following:
poetry install
poetry run python projectile_motion/
- Otherwise, do this:
pip install pyglet sympy
python3 projectile_motion/
Rakin Rahman
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details