URI::Encode - a Raku module for encoding / decoding URIs
use URI::Encode;
# for encoding whole URIs, ignores reserved chars: :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=
my $encoded_uri = uri_encode('http://www.example.com/?name=john doe&age=54');
# encode every reserved char
my $encoded_uri_component = uri_encode_component('some text/to encode+ safely');
# remove percent encoding
my $decoded_uri = uri_decode('http://www.example.com/?name=john%20doe&age=54');
# provided for symmetry, is the same as uri_decode()
my $decoded_component = uri_decode_component('some%20text%2Fto%20%2B%20safely');
URI::Encode is a module that exports four subroutines:
uri_encode - encode a whole URI
uri_encode_component - encode every reserved char
uri_decode - decode a whole URI
uri_decode_component - decode every reserved char
is another implementation that covers this area, including encoding and decoding of URIs.
David Farrell
Copyright 2014 - 2015 David Farrell
Copyright 2016 - 2024 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the FreeBSD license.