JFace Structured Viewers
- TableViewerBuilder A convenient builder class for creating TableViewers with support for nested properties, sorting and editing
- ContextMenu is an utility class to create context menus for structured viewers.
- SelectionUtils.getIterable(): Iterate over a JFace selection in a for each loop
Concurrent UIs
is a Job base class which allows to update the UI after the job was completed.
JFace Data Binding
- ChangeTracker allows to react on changes in all model or target observables in a DataBindingContext globally. Can be used to set the dirty flag of an editor when something changes.
- DataBindingEditorPart is a base class for EditorParts that want to use DataBinding. Provides a observable for partname and has a dirty attribute that can be registered as change listener to ChangeTracker.
- ModelDataBindingEditorPart is base class for editors that use data binding to edit a single model object.
Nested properties
- PropertyValue: Resolves nested property Strings like "".
- PropertyLabelProvider: LabelProvider that gets labels using a bean property.
- PropertyCellLabelProvider: CellLabelProvider that gets labels using a bean property.
- PropertyEditingSupport: EditingSupport that gets / sets the values using a bean property.
- RandomData: RandomData generates random data. This is helpful for generating test data for UI mockup prototypes and test cases.
Commands / Handler
- ToggleHandler Handler base class for style="toggle" command contributions.
- Eclipse Public License - v1.0