đź“° Newspaper4k a fork of the beloved Newspaper3k. Extraction of articles, titles, and metadata from news websites.
fast python port of arc90's readability tool, updated to match latest readability.js!
A docker image for latex compile with TeX Live.
ramiro / vundle
Forked from VundleVim/Vundle.vimVundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
ramiro / django
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. Now on GitHub.
Git .git/info/grafts file for branch merges performed during Django development history.
For the Django migration to git; send me pull requests to correct your entry!
For the Django migration to git; send me pull requests to correct your entry!
ramiro /
Forked from django/djangoproject.comSource code to (git-svn clone)
ramiro / django-facebook
Forked from aidanlister/django-facebookIntegrate Facebook into your Django application.
ramiro / JSMin
Forked from douglascrockford/JSMinJavaScript Minification Filter
ramiro / django-categories
Forked from jazzband/django-categoriesThis app attempts to provide a generic category system that multiple apps could use. It uses MPTT for the tree storage and provides a custom admin for better visualization (copied and modified from…
ramiro / askbot-devel
Forked from ASKBOT/askbot-develASKBOT is a StackOverflow-like Q&A forum, based on CNPROG.
Integrate Facebook into your Django application.
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
Source code to
Facebook open graph api implementation using the Django web framework in python
This app attempts to provide a generic category system that multiple apps could use. It uses MPTT for the tree storage and provides a custom admin for better visualization (copied and modified from…