This is an example on how to use Kafka Streams API to aggregate logs and display results online in a dashboard.
Genome Campus Software Craftsmanship Meetup
- Java 8+
- Apache Kafka 0.11
- Apache Kafka Streams API
- Spring Boot
- Chart.js
Follow step 1 and step 2 of Kafka Quickstart
Create two topics: data-in and data-out
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic data-in
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic data-out
Clone and build java project
git clone
cd kafka-streaming-websockets
mvn clean package
Run producer
java -cp target/shade-kafka-streaming-websockets-0.1.0.jar
Run streaming client
java -cp target/shade-kafka-streaming-websockets-0.1.0.jar
Run spring boot
java -cp target/shade-kafka-streaming-websockets-0.1.0.jar
See live dashboard in localhost:8080
When you click "Connect" you should see:
- Kafka Streaming (by Gwen Shapira)
- Using WebSocket with Spring Boot (by Pivotal)
- Apache Kafka with Spring (by Baeldung)
- Kafka Streams Examples (by Confluent)
- Creating custom serializers (by
If you run without internet access you might need to add following to config/ = localhost
advertised.port = 9092