A collection of community detection papers with implementations.
A similar collection on [graph embedding] papers with implementations.
- Factorization
- Deep Learning
- Label Propagation, Percolation and Random Walks
- Tensor Decomposition
- Spectral Methods
- Temporal Methods
- Cyclic Patterns
- Centrality and Cuts
- Physics Inspired
- Others
Knowledge Graph Enhanced Community Detection and Characterization (WSDM 2019)
- Shreyansh Bhatt, Swati Padhee, Amit Sheth, Keke Chen ,Valerie Shalin, Derek Doran, and Brandon Minnery
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Graph Embedding with Self-Clustering (Arxiv 2018)
- Benedek Rozemberczki, Ryan Davies, Rik Sarkar, and Charles Sutton
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Non-Linear Attributed Graph Clustering by Symmetric NMF with PU Learning (Arxiv 2018)
- Seiji Maekawa, Koh Takeuch, Makoto Onizuka
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection (CIKM 2018)
- Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, and Zibin Zheng
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [Matlab Reference]
Adaptive Community Detection Incorporating Topology and Content in Social Networks (Knowledge-Based Systems 2018)
- Qin Meng, Jin Di, Lei Kai, Bogdan Gabrys, Katarzyna, Musial-Gabrys
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Learning Latent Factors for Community Identification and Summarization (IEEE Access 2018)
- Tiantian He, Lun Hu, Keith C. C. Chan, and Pengwei Hu
- [Paper]
- [Executable Reference]
Bayesian Robust Attributed Graph Clustering: Joint Learning of Partial Anomalies and Group Structure (AAAI 2018)
- Aleksandar Bojchevski and Stephan Günnemann
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Sentiment-driven Community Profiling and Detection on Social Media (ACM HSM 2018)
- Amin Salehi, Mert Ozer, and Hasan Davulcu
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
TNE: A Latent Model for Representation Learning on Networks (Arxiv 2018)
- Abdulkadir Çelikkanat and Fragkiskos D. Malliaros
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Non-Linear Attributed Graph Clustering by Symmetric NMF with PU Learning (Arxiv 2018)
- Seiji Maekawa, Koh Takeuch, Makoto Onizuka
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Preserving Network Embedding (AAAI 17)
- Xiao Wang, Peng Cui, Jing Wang, Jain Pei, WenWu Zhu, Shiqiang Yang
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [Matlab Reference]
Self-weighted Multiview Clustering with Multiple Graphs (IJCAI 17)
- Feiping Nie, Jing Li, and Xuelong Li
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Semi-supervised Clustering in Attributed Heterogeneous Information Networks (WWW 17)
- Xiang Li, Yao Wu, Martin Ester, Ben Kao, Xin Wang, and Yudian Zheng
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Learning Community Embedding with Community Detection and Node Embedding on Graph (CIKM 2017)
- Sandro Cavallari, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongyun Cai, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, and Erik Cambria
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Cross-Validation Estimate of the Number of Clusters in a Network (Scientific Report 2017)
- Matsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
- [Paper]
- [Julia Reference]
Comparative Analysis on the Selection of Number of Clusters in Community Detection (ArXiv 2017)
- Matsuro Kawamoto and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
- [Paper]
- [Julia Reference]
Joint Community and Structural Hole Spanner Detection via Harmonic Modularity (KDD 2016)
- Lifang He, Chun-Ta Lu, Jiaqi Mu, Jianping Cao, Linlin Shen, and Philip S Yu
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection via Fused Loadings Principal Component Analysis (2016)
- Richard Samworth, Yang Feng, and Yi Yu
- [R Reference]
Feature Extraction via Multi-view Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Local Graph Regularization (IEEE ICIP 2015)
- Zhenfan Wang, Xiangwei Kong, Hiayan Fu, Ming Li, and Yujia Zhang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
A Unified Semi-Supervised Community Detection Framework Using Latent Space Graph Regularization (IEEE TOC 2015)
- Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao, Di Jin, Xiao Wang, and Dan Meng
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Community Detection via Measure Space Embedding (NIPS 2015)
- Mark Kozdoba and Shie Mannor
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection for Clustered Attributed Graphs via a Variational EM Algorithm (Big Data 2014)
- Xiangyong Cao, Xiangyu Chang, and Zongben Xu
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Improved Graph Clustering (Transactions on Information Network Theory 2014)
- Yudong Chen, Sujay Sanghavi, Huan Xu
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Overlapping Community Detection at Scale: a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach (WSDM 2013)
- Jaewon Yang and Jure Leskovec
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
- [Java Spark Reference]
- [Python Reference]
Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Graph Clustering (SDM 2012)
- Da Kuang, Chris Ding, and Haesun Park
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
A Model-based Approach to Attributed Graph Clustering (SIGMOID 2012)
- Zhiqiang Xu, Yiping Ke, Yi Wang, Hong Cheng, and James Cheng
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Overlapping Community Detection Using Bayesian Non-negative Matrix Factorization (Physical Review E 2011)
- Ionnis Psorakis, Stephen Roberts, Mark Ebden, and Ben Sheldon
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Supervised Community Detection with Line Graph Neural Networks (ICLR 2019)
- Zhengdao Chen, Xiang Li, and Joan Bruna
- [Paper]
- [LUA Reference]
- [Python Reference]
CommunityGAN: Community Detection with Generative Adversarial Nets (ArXiv 2019)
- Yuting Jia, Qinqin Zhang, Weinan Zhang, Xinbing Wang
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
An Adaptive Graph Learning Method Based on Dual Data Representations for Clustering (Pattern Recognition 2018)
- Tianchi Liu, Chamara Kasun, Liyanaarachchi Lekamalage Guang-Bin Huang, and Zhiping Lin
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Community Detection via Prior-Induced Equivalent Super-Network (Scientific Reports 2017)
- Liang Yang, Di Jin, Dongxiao He, Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, and Francoise Fogelman-Soulie
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
MGAE: Marginalized Graph Autoencoder for Graph Clustering (CIKM 2017)
- Chun Wang, Shirui Pan, Guodong Long, Xingquabn Zhu, and Jing Jiang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Graph Clustering with Dynamic Embedding (Arxiv 2017)
- Carl Yang, Mengxiong Liu, Zongyi Wang, Liyuan Liu, Jiawei Han
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Modularity based Community Detection with Deep Learning (IJCAI 2016)
- Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao, Dongxiao He, Chuan Wang, Xiao Wang, and Weixiong Zhan
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Learning Deep Representations for Graph Clustering (AAAI 2014)
- Fei Tian, Bin Gao, Qing Cui, Enhong Chen, and Tie-Yan Liu
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Dynamic Graph-Based Label Propagation for Density Peaks Clustering (Expert Systems 2019)
- Seyed Amjad Seyedi, Abdulrahman Lotfi, Parham Moradi and Nooruldeen Nasih Qader
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Community Detection by Information Flow Simulation (ArXiv 2018)
- Rajagopal Venkatesaramani and Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Multiple Local Community Detection (ACM SIGMETRICS 2017)
- Alexandre Hollocou, Thomas Bonald, and Marc Lelarge
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Krylov Subspace Approximation for Local Community Detection in Large Networks (ArXiv 2017)
- Kun He, Pan Shi, David Bindel, and John E. Hopcroft
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Many Heads are Better than One: Local Community Detection by the Multi-Walker Chain (ICDM 2017)
- Yuchen Bian, Jingchao Ni, Wei Cheng, and Zhang Xiang
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Improving PageRank for Local Community Detection (ArXiv 2016)
- Alexandre Hollocou, Thomas Bonald, and Marc Lelarge
- [Paper]
- [C Reference]
- [Python Reference]
Limited Random Walk Algorithm for Big Graph Data Clustering (Journal of Big Data 2016)
- Honglei Zhang, Jenni Raitoharju, Serkan Kiranyaz, and Moncef Gabbouj
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Community Detection Based on Structure and Content: A Content Propagation Perspective (ICDM 2015)
- Liyuan Liu, Linli Xu, Zhen Wang, and Enhong Chen
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Modeling Community Detection Using Slow Mixing Random Walks (IEEE Big Data 2015)
- Ramezan Paravi, Torghabeh Narayana, and Prasad Santhanam
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
GossipMap: A Distributed Community Detection Algorithm for Billion-Edge Directe Graphs (SC 2015)
- Seung-Hee Bae and Bill Howe
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Overlapping Community Detection Using Seed Set Expansion (CIKM 2013)
- Joyce Jiyoung Whang, David F. Gleich, and Inderjit S. Dhillon
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Influence-Based Network-Oblivious Community Detection (ICDM 2013)
- Nicola Barbieri, Francesco Bonchi, and Giuseppe Manco
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
SLPA: Uncovering Overlapping Communities in Social Networks via A Speaker-listener Interaction Dynamic Process (ICDMW 2011)
- Jierui Xie, Boleslaw K Szymanski, and Xiaoming Liu
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
- [Python Reference]
- [C++ Reference]
On the Generation of Stable Communities of Users for Dynamic Mobile Ad Hoc Social Networks (IEEE ICOIN 2011)
- Guillaume-Jean Herbiet and Pascal Bouvry
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
SHARC: Community-Based Partitioning for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Neighborhood Similarity (IEEE WoWMoM 2010)
- Guillaume-Jean Herbiet and Pascal Bouvry
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Bridge Bounding: A Local Approach for Efficient Community Discovery in Complex Networks (ArXiv 2009)
- Symeon Papadopoulos, Andre Skusa, Athena Vakali, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, and Nadine Wagner
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
The Map Equation (The European Physical Journal Special Topics 2009)
- Martin Rossvall, Daniel Axelsson, and Carl T Bergstrom
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
- [C Reference]
- [Python Reference]
Chinese Whispers: an Efficient Graph Clustering Algorithm and its Application to Natural Language Processing Problems (HLT NAACL 2006)
- Chris Biemann
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
An Efficient Algorithm for Large-scale Detection of Protein Families (Nucleic Acids Research 2002)
- Anton Enright, Stijn Van Dongen, and Christos Ouzounis
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection, Link Prediction, and Layer Interdependence in Multilayer Networks (Physical Review E 2017)
- Caterina De Bacco, Eleanor A. Power, Daniel B. Larremore, and Cristopher Moore
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Overlapping Community Detection via Constrained PARAFAC: A Divide and Conquer Approach (ICDM 2017)
- Fatemeh Sheikholeslami and Georgios B. Giannakis
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Fast Detection of Overlapping Communities via Online Tensor Methods on GPUs (ArXiV 2013)
- Furong Huang and Animashree Anandkumar
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Scalable Spectral Clustering Using Random Binning Features (KDD 2018)
- Lingfei Wu, Pin-Yu Chen, Ian En-Hsu Yen, Fangli Xu, Yinglong Xia, and Charu Aggarwal
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Community Detection and Stochastic Block Models: Recent Developments (JMLR 2018)
- Emmanuel Abbe
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Understanding Regularized Spectral Clustering via Graph Conductance (NIPS 2018)
- Yilin Zhang and Karl Rohe
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Locally-Biased Spectral Approximation for Community Detection (Knowledge-Based Systems 2018)
- Pan Shi, Kun He, David Bindel, and John Hopcroft
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Community Detection on Euclidean Random Graphs (Electronic Journal of Statistics 2018)
- Abishek Sankararaman and Francois Baccelli
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection by L0-Penalized Graph Laplacian (Electronic Journal of Statistics 2018)
- Chong Chen, Ruibin Xi, and Nan Lin
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Phase Transitions and a Model Order Selection Criterion for Spectral Graph Clustering (IEEE TSP 2018)
- Pin-Yu Chen and Alfred O. Hero
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
An Algorithm J-SC of Detecting Communities in Complex Networks (Physics Letters A 2017)
- Fang Hu, Mingzhu Wang, Yanran Wang, Zhehao Hong, and Yanhui Zhu
- [Paper]
- [Matlab reference]
Local Lanczos Spectral Approximation for Community Detection (ECML PKDD 2017)
- Pan Shi, He Kun, David Bindel, and John Hopcroft
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
AMOS: An Automated Model Order Selection Algorithm for Spectral Graph Clustering (ICASSP 2017)
- Pin-Yu Chen, Thibaut Gensollen, and Alfred O. Hero III
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Clustering Signed Networks with the Geometric Mean of Laplacians (NIPS 2016)
- Pedro Mercado, Francesco Tudisco, and Matthias Hein
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Spectral Clustering with Graph Filtering and Landmark Based Representation (ICASSP 2016)
- Nicolas Tremblay, Gilles Puy, Pierre Borgnat, Rémi Gribonval, and Pierre Vandergheynst
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Uncovering the Small Community Structure in Large Networks: a Local Spectral Approach (WWW 2015)
- Li Yixuan, He Kun, David Bindel, and John Hopcroft
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Large-Scale Multi-View Spectral Clustering via Bipartite Graph (AAAI 2015)
- Yeqing Li, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, and Junzhou Huang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Self-Taught Spectral Clustering via Constraint Augmentation (SDM 2014)
- Xiang Wang, Jun Wang, Buyue Qian, Fei Wang and Ian Davidson
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Multi-Objective Multi-View Spectral Clustering via Pareto Optimization (SDM 2013)
- Xiang Wang, Buyue Qian, Jieping Ye, and Ian Davidson
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Co-Clustering for Directed Graphs: the Stochastic Co-Blockmodel and Spectral Algorithm Di-Sim (ArXiv 2012)
- Karl Rohe, Tai Qin, and Bin Yu
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
Asymptotic Analysis of the Stochastic Block Model for Modular Networks and its Algorithmic Applications (Physical Review 2011)
- Aurelien Decelle, Florent Krzakala, Cristopher Moore, and Lenka Zdeborova
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Phase Transition in the Detection of Modules in Sparse Networks (Physical Review Letters 2011)
- Aurelien Decelle, Florent Krzakala, Cristopher Moore, and Lenka Zdeborova
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Active Spectral Clustering (ICDM 2010)
- Xiang Wang and Ian Davidson
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Flexible Constrained Spectral Clustering (KDD 2010)
- Xiang Wang and Ian Davidson
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Spectral Clustering Based on the Graph p-Laplacian (ICML 2009)
- Thomas Buhler and Matthias Hein
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
DyPerm: Maximizing Permanence for Dynamic Community Detection (PKDD 2018)
- Prerna Agarwal, Richa Verma, Ayush Agarwal, Tanmoy Chakraborty
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Temporally Evolving Community Detection and Prediction in Content-Centric Networks (ECML 2018)
- Ana Paula Appel, Renato L. F. Cunha, Charu C. Aggarwal, and Marcela Megumi Terakado
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Model-Based Clustering of Time-Evolving Networks through Temporal Exponential-Family Random Graph Models (Arxiv 2017)
- Kevin H. Lee, Lingzhou Xue, and David R. Hunter
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
A Streaming Algorithm for Graph Clustering (Arxiv 2017)
- Alexandre Hollocou, Julien Maudet, Thomas Bonald and Marc Lelarge
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Sequential Detection of Temporal Communities by Estrangement Confinement (Scientific Reports 2012)
- Vikas Kawadia and Sameet Sreenivasan
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
GraphScope: Parameter-Free Mining of Large Time-Evolving Graphs (KDD 2007)
- Jimeng Sun, Christos Faloutsos, Spiros Papadimitriou, and Philip S. Yu
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Anti-community Detection in Complex Networks (SSDBM 2018)
- Sebastian Lackner, Andreas Spitz, Matthias Weidemüller and Michael Gertz
- [Paper]
- [C Reference]
ComSim: A Bipartite Community Detection Algorithm Using Cycle and Node's Similarity (International Workshop on Complex Networks 2018)
- Tackx Raphaël, Fabien Tarissan, and Jean-Loup Guillaume
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Adaptive Modularity Maximization via Edge Weighting Scheme (Information Sciences 2018)
- Xiaoyan Lu, Konstantin Kuzmin, Mingming Chen, and Boleslaw K Szymanski
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Semi-Supervised Community Detection Using Structure and Size (ICDM 2018)
- Arjun Bakshi, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, and Kannan Srinivasan
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Graph sketching-based Space-efficient Data Clustering (SDM 2018)
- Anne Morvan, Krzysztof Choromanski, Cédric Gouy-Pailler, Jamal Atif
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Hierarchical Graph Clustering using Node Pair Sampling (Arxiv 2018)
- Thomas Bonald, Bertrand Charpentier, Alexis Galland and Alexandre Hollocou
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Priority Based Clustering in Weighted Graph Streams (JISE 2018)
- Mohsen Saadatpour, Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mohammad Nasirifar, and Hamed Kavoosi
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Graph Learning for Multiview Clustering (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017)
- Anne Morvan, Krzysztof Choromanski, Cédric Gouy-Pailler, and Jamal Atif
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
DCEIL: Distributed Community Detection with the CEIL Score (IEEE HPCC 2017)
- Akash Jain, Rupesh Nasre, Balaraman Ravindran
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
A Community Detection Algorithm Using Network Topologies and Rule-Based Hierarchical Arc-Merging Strategies (PLOS One 2017)
- Yu-Hsiang Fu, Chung-Yuan Huang, and Chuen-Tsai Sun
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Local Higher-Order Graph Clustering (KDD 2017)
- Hao Yin, Austin Benson, Jure Leskovec, and David Gleich
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [C++ SNAP Reference]
ComSim: A Bipartite Community Detection Algorithm Using Cycle and Node’s Similarity (Complex Networks 2017)
- Raphael Tack, Fabien Tarissan, and Jean-Loup Guillaume
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Evolutionary Graph Clustering for Protein Complex Identification (IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2016)
- Tiantian He and Keith C.C. Chan
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
pSCAN: Fast and Exact Structural Graph Clustering (ICDE 2016)
- T Lijun Chang, Wei Li, Xuemin Lin, Lu Qin, and Wenjie Zhang
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Node-Centric Detection of OverlappingCommunities in Social Networks (IWSCN 2016)
- Yehonatan Cohen, Danny Hendler, Amir Rubin
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Intra-Graph Clustering Using Collaborative Similarity Measure (DPCD 2015)
- Waqas Nawaz, Kifayat-Ullah Khan, Young-Koo Lee, and Sungyoung Lee
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
High Quality, Scalable and Parallel Community Detection for Large Real Graphs (WWW 2014)
- Arnau Prat-Perez David Dominguez-Sal and Josep-Lluis Larriba-Pey
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
GMAC: A Seed-Insensitive Approach to Local Community Detection (DaWak 2013)
- Lianhang Ma, Hao Huang, Qinming He, Kevin Chiew, Jianan Wu, and Yanzhe Che
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection in Networks with Node Attributes (ICDM 2013)
- Jaewon Yang, Julian McAuley, and Jure Leskovec
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Detecting the Structure of Social Networks Using (α,β)-Communities (IWAMW 2011)
- Jing He, John Hopcroft, Liang Hongyu, Supasorn Suwajanakorn, and Liaoruo Wang
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Parallelizing Pruning-based Graph Structural Clustering (ICPP 2018)
- Yulin Che, Shixuan Sun, and Qiong Luo
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Real-Time Community Detection in Large Social Networks on a Laptop (PLOS 2018)
- Benjamin Paul Chamberlain, Josh Levy-Kramer, Clive Humby, and Marc Peter Deisenroth
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
A Community Detection Algorithm Using Network Topologies and Rule-based Hierarchical Arc-merging Strategies (PLOS 2018)
- Yu-Hsiang Fu, Chung-Yuan Huang, and Chuen-Tsai Sun
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Ego-splitting Framework: from Non-Overlapping to Overlapping Clusters (KDD 2017)
- Alessandro Epasto, Silvio Lattanzi, and Renato Paes Leme
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Query-oriented Graph Clustering (PAKDD 2017)
- Li-Yen Kuo, Chung-Kuang Chou, and Ming-Syan Chen
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Fast Heuristic Algorithm for Multi-scale Hierarchical Community Detection (ASONAM 2017)
- Eduar Castrillo, Elizabeth León, and Jonatan Gómez
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Community Detection in Signed Networks: the Role of Negative Ties in Different Scales (Scientific Reports 2015)
- Pouya Esmailian and Mahdi Jalili
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Detecting Community Structures in Social Networks by Graph Sparsification (CODS 2016)
- Partha Basuchowdhuri, Satyaki Sikdar, Sonu Shreshtha, and Subhasis Majumder
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Density-Based Clustering Algorithm and Manifold Learning (Physica A 2016)
- Tao Youa, Hui-Min Chenga, Yi-Zi Ninga, Ben-Chang Shiab, and Zhong-Yuan Zhang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Smart Partitioning of Geo-Distributed Resources to Improve Cloud Network Performance (CloudNet 2015)
- Hooman Peiro Sajjad, Fatemeh Rahimian, and Vladimir Vlassov
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Generalized Modularity for Community Detection (ECML 2015)
- Mohadeseh Ganji, Abbas Seifi, Hosein Alizadeh, James Bailey, and Peter J. Stuckey
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Online Community Detection for Large Complex Networks (IJCAI 2013)
- Wangsheng Zhang, Gang Pan, Zhaohui Wu and Shijian Li
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Agglomerative Clustering via Maximum Incremental Path Integral (Pattern Recognition 2013)
- Wei Zhang, Deli Zhao, and Xiaogang Wang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Graph Degree Linkage: Agglomerative Clustering on a Directed Graph (ECCV 2012)
- Wei Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Deli Zhao and Xiaoou Tang
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
- [Python Reference]
Weighted Graph Cuts without Eigenvectors a Multilevel Approach (IEEE TPAMI 2007)
- Inderjit S Dhillon, Brian Kulis, and Yuqiang Guan
- [Paper]
- [C Reference]
Community Detection Using Preference Networks (Physica A 2018)
- Mursel Tasgin and Halu Bingol
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Thermodynamics of the Minimum Description Length on Community Detection (ArXiv 2018)
- Juan Ignacio Perotti, Claudio Juan Tessone, Aaron Clauset and Guido Caldarelli
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Fluid Communities: A Community Detection Algorithm (Complenet 2017)
- Ferran Parés, Dario Garcia-Gasulla, Armand Vilalta, Jonatan Moreno, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta, Ulises Cortés and Toyotaro Suzumura
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
A Local Perspective on Community Structure in Multilayer Networks (Network Science 2017)
- Lucas GS Jeub, Michael Mahoney, Peter J Mucha and Mason A Porter
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Defining Least Community as a Homogeneous Group in Complex Networks (Physica A 2015)
- Renaud Lambiotte, J-C Delvenne, and Mauricio Barahona
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Think Locally, Act Locally: Detection of Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Communities in Large Networks (Physica Review E 2015)
- Lucas G. S. Jeub, Prakash Balachandran, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, and Michael W. Mahoney
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Parallel Community Detection on Large Networks with Propinquity Dynamics (KDD 2009)
- Yuzhou Zhang, Jianyong Wang, Yi Wang, and Lizhu Zhou
- [Paper]
- [Java Reference]
Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks (IEEE TNSE 2008)
- Renaud Lambiotte, J-C Delvenne, and Mauricio Barahona
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
Statistical Mechanics of Community Detection (Phyics Review E 2006)
- Jorh Reichardt and Stefan Bornholdt
- [Paper]
- [Ruby Reference]
Discovering Fuzzy Structural Patterns for Graph Analytics (IEEE TFS 2018)
- Tiantian He and Keith C. C. Chan
- [Paper]
- [Executable Reference]
Watset: Automatic Induction of Synsets for a Graph of Synonyms (ACL 2017)
- Dmitry Ustalov, Alexander Panchenko, and Chris Biemann
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [Java Reference]
An Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm Based on Density Peaks (NeuroComputing 2017)
- Xueying Bai, Peilin Yang, and Xiaohu Shi
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Fast Heuristic Algorithm for Multi-scale Hierarchical Community Detection (ASONAM 2017)
- Eduar Castrillo, Elizabeth León, and Jonatan Gómez
- [Paper]
- [C++ Reference]
Time Series Clustering via Community Detection in Networks (Information Sciences 2016)
- Leonardo N. Ferreira and Liang Zhao
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
General Optimization Technique for High-quality Community Detection in Complex Networks (Physical Review E 2014)
- Stanislav Sobolevsky, Riccardo Campari, Alexander Belyi, and Carlo Ratti
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
Community Detection in Multi-Partite Multi-Relational Networks Based on Information Compression (New Generation Computing 2016)
- Xin Liu, Weichu Liu, Tsuyoshi Murata, and Ken Wakita
- [Paper]
- [Scala Reference]
Integration of Graph Clustering with Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection (Knowledge-Based Systems 2015)
- Parham Moradi, Mehrdad Rostami
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]
Community Detection via Maximization of Modularity and Its Variants (IEEE TCSS 2014)
- Mingming Chen, Konstantin Kuzmin, and Boleslaw K. Szymanski
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
A Smart Local Moving Algorithm for Large-Scale Modularity-Based Community Detection (The European Physical Journal B 2013)
- Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan Van Eck
- [Paper]
- [R Reference]
Bayesian Hierarchical Community Discovery (NIPS 2013)
- Charles Blundell and Yee Whye Teh
- [Paper]
- [Python Reference]
- [C++ Reference]
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Hypergraph Clustering (NIPS 2009)
- Samuel R. Bulò and Marcello Pelillo
- [Paper]
- [Matlab Reference]