sl-dml Public
Signal Level Deep Metric Learning for One-Shot Action Recognition
skeleton-dml Public
Skeleton-DML: Deep Metric Learning for Skeleton-Based One-Shot Action Recognition
Multi-Modal action recognition for skeleton sequences, inertial measurements, motion capturing data and Wi-Fi CSI fingerprints.
simitate Public
A hybrid imitation learning benchmark. Consists of a dataset, metrics and an evaluation approach
odrive_ros Public
Forked from neomanic/odrive_rosROS driver for the ODrive motor drive
Python Other UpdatedDec 29, 2020 -
sysmon Public
A tiny server-statistics monitor, supporting mutiple server. Showing stats about gpu, cpu and memory workload.
nni Public
Forked from microsoft/nniAn open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2020 -
simitate_dataset_pytorch Public
pytorch dataset integration for Simitate
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 6, 2020 -
pytorch-lightning Public
Forked from Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightningThe lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 4, 2020 -
fastai Public
Forked from fastai/fastaiThe fastai deep learning library, plus lessons and tutorials
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2019 -
ODrive Public
Forked from odriverobotics/ODriveHigh performance motor control
C MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2019 -
geometry Public
Forked from ros/geometryPackages for common geometric calculations including the ROS transform library, "tf". Also includes ROS bindings for "bullet" physics engine and "kdl" kinematics/dynamics package.
C++ UpdatedAug 20, 2018 -
ros_yolo2 Public
Forked from ThundeRatz/ros_yolo2YOLOv2 integration with ROS
C++ UpdatedJan 5, 2017 -
rosdistro Public
Forked from ros/rosdistroThis repo maintains a lists of repositories for each ROS distribution
ImpressToLatex Public
A tiny script for exporting Latex from OO/Libre -Impress presentations
android_speech_pkg Public
ROS Package for speech recognition and synthesis for use with android_speech_app
android_speech_app Public
Enable ROS to make use of the speech recognition and synthesis of android
katana_driver Public
Forked from mintar/katana_driverThis stack contains hardware drivers, Gazebo plugins and other basic functionalities for the Neuronics Katana family of robot arms.
C++ UpdatedDec 21, 2014 -
dvo_slam Public
Forked from phuicy/dvo_slamDense Visual Odometry and SLAM
khan-exercises Public
Forked from Khan/khan-exercisesA framework for building exercises to work with Khan Academy.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 9, 2013