This was my final year project at AUST. Built with Laravel 5.3.
On the project root run,
cp .env.example .env
Put necessary db credentials on
file -
composer install
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan serve
login with the following credentials:
Email: [email protected]
Pass: 12345
There is also another user of role
.Email: [email protected]
Pass: 12345
Front page is at route
- Add/Edit/Delete Tests
- Add slots to tests, customizable fields for any tests
- Manage patients
- Customer can make appointment from the frontend
- Manage appointments
- Check is particular slot is available for a test when making apppointment
- Manage samples
- Generate test reports/ print pdf/ email pdf copy of the report to patient
- Manage staffs
- Add new staffs based on role
- 3 types of users, Admin, Lab Tech & Patient
- Seperate portal for patients to track appointment status/reports/payments etc.
- Users can only access parts of the application based on the permisison.
- Customer registration with auto generated password emailed to patient
- Email notification to patient after test report is generated