This is the introductory project for running Akka on rasberry pi 3. We have a bare minimum akka project with 2 simple actors that just ping-pong messages back and forth (taken almost straight from the Activator Akka template). We are also using sbt assembly
to create fat (or uber) jars. We need this since compiling/building scala apps on the pi is ... painful at best, impossible at worst. BUT no need to worry. With SBT assembly and SSH, it's simple to develop apps on a full workstation and then simply SCP your fat jar to the pi to run it!
Im currently using a Rasberry Pi 3, Model B with the stock Rasbian OS. These steps apply to almost any akka application that you want to run on your pi.
You're probably wondering "Well don't I have to setup the entire Scala/SBT environment on my pi first?!". No you don't! Remember we're compiling and assembling on the workstation and then just shipping a fat jar to the pi. All you need on the Pi is java (preferably java 1.8+) installed. It's on Rasbian by default.
into the root of the project and run sbt ";clean;compile"
. This will install all the dependencies and compile the application.
After the build is complete, run sbt run assembly
. This will create a fat jar into target/scala-2.11/hello-akka-assembly.<VERSION>.jar
All we have to do now is ship the jar to your pi. Make sure the SSH server is enabled on your pi and then run scp [FAT_JAR_PATH] [email protected]:~/
. Make sure to replace FAT_JAR_PATH
with the relative path to the fat jar. Also, change the SSH user/host as needed. If all goes well you should see a successful transfer to the home directory!
This is rediculously simple. SSH into your pi (or use a monitor connected directly to it.. whatever), cd
into the directory where you transferred the jar file and then run it with: java -jar [FAR_JAR_FILENAME]
. Boom! That's it. You should see output like this:
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor] In PingActor - starting ping-pong
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor/pongActor] In PongActor - received message: ping
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor] In PingActor - received message: pong
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor/pongActor] In PongActor - received message: ping
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor] In PingActor - received message: pong
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor/pongActor] In PongActor - received message: ping
[INFO] [] [akka://MyActorSystem/user/pingActor] In PingActor - received message: pong
Now you can have fun building Akka apps on your pi! Let's get an entire distributed cluster going next ;)