data scrape -
demo@ -
I have fetched data of top 200 Indian movies from the above mentioned website. Collected data of movies include -- movie title, year of release, rating, director, lead actors/actress, rest of the crew, language
For web scraping I have used python's BeautifulSoup module. data is stored in Data/imdb_scrape.csv.
requirements - " 1. python3.6, 2. BeautifulSoup, 3. django == 1.11 "
- put_into_db method has been used for putting the fetched data into sqlite database.
- I have already stored the data into DB. So, don't run that function again as that will create redundancy.
- If you still want to run that function, then first clear the database.
- admin login - (username - timepay, password - timepay2863)
- Execution of this function would take some time.
- I have also stored data in csv file. File is present inside the Data directory.
python runserver
Then in the browser, enter the url -