''' title:auto submit seecmis on/off info. one Timer 9:00 am. trigger,another Timer 6:00 pm. trigger. author:lf(prez) time:2014/04/14 version:v0.1 ''' import MySQLdb import random import time
''' 1.windows system install System Scheduler App。 2. ''' #get a connection from server. con= MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='root',passwd='seecdnz',db='SEECMIS')
cursor =con.cursor()
sql = "SELECT USER_ID,DUTY_ON,DUTY_OFF,ATTDATE FROM TB_ATTENDANCE WHERE USER_ID = 36 AND ATTDATE = (SELECT MAX(ATTDATE) FROM TB_ATTENDANCE WHERE USER_ID = 36)" cursor.execute(sql) row=cursor.fetchone() print time.strptime(row[3],'%Y%m%d')
print (time.localtime() > time.strptime(row[3]+'235959','%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) if ((time.localtime() > time.strptime(row[3]+'235959','%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) and (time.localtime().tm_yday != 25) and (time.localtime().tm_mon == 1) and (time.localtime().tm_yday != 31)): attdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d',time.localtime(time.time())) print attdate startHr = '09' startMin = random.randrange(0,35) startMill= random.randrange(0,60)
startTime = startHr + (str(startMin)).rjust(2,'0') + (str(startMill)).rjust(2,'0')
print startTime
endHr = 17
endMin = random.randrange(startMin+1,60)
endMill= random.randrange(0,60)
endTime = str(endHr) + (str(endMin)).rjust(2,'0') + (str(endMill)).rjust(2,'0')
print endTime
print "insert"
sql1 ="insert into TB_ATTENDANCE (USER_ID,DUTY_ON,DUTY_OFF,ATTDATE,ON_IP,OFF_IP) values (36,'%s','%s','%s','','')" % (startTime.rjust(2,'0'),endTime,attdate)
print sql1
print row
else: print "have data" cursor.close() con.close()