This project captures the code samples which are given in GraphX programming guide at Apache-Spark website. This is created and tested only on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) for now.
- Quick summary: Sample GraphX project, using Scala APIs and SBT for build
- Version: Check in build.sbt file
- Learn Markdown
- Summary of set up:
Install IntelliJ-IDEA editor, scala, sbt and apache-spark packages.
Install Scala plugin for IntelliJ-IDEA editor.
Clone and import this project in the IDE - Use SBT based project import.
Run; sbt clean package from project root.
Run; spark-submit --class "com.github.ravihara.samples.scalagraphx.SimpleApp" --master local[4] target/scala-2.10/simple-graphx-app_2.10-<VERSION>.jar from project root.
- Configuration
Set SPARK_HOME environment variable to point to Apache-Spark installation root folder.
Export PATH to include bin folders in scala, sbt, IntelliJ-IDEA and spark installations.
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines