SQF-VM is a fully working and open-source Virtual Machine for the scripting language of the ArmA Games.
To start using the SQF-VM, you just have to double click the executable.
Most obvious example is: you are using a laptop while traveling and wanna test some SQF code. More advanced users might even use this for unit-testing their code.
Yes, there are. To get all, start the tool via command line and the parameter -?
The SQF-VM project is not aiming to do any actual syntax checking. The tool expects valid SQF as input and invalid syntax might result in invalid execution stacks.
First of all: if it is due to invalid syntax not getting reported correctly, nothing. After that: Ensure all commands used are actually supported in your SQF-VM version using the help command If it is not caused due to invalid syntax or a missing command in the SQF-VM, try to narrow down the problem as much as you can and then head over to the github issues section to report the bug. The only exception to the above is a crash! Crashes you always can report :)
Website (Download) Discord Invite
Information on how to Contribute to this Project can be found here.
A template on how to make Pull Requests can be found here
For Issues please use this template.
WIP, for now please refer to the Discord.