A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- Official Resources
- External Resources
- Community
- Podcasts
- Official Examples
- Tutorials
- Development Tools
- Syntax Highlighting
- Libraries & Plugins
- Projects Using Vue.js
- Vue.js資料まとめ(for japanese) by @hashrock
- Gitter Chat Room
- Official Forum
- vue-requests - Request a Vue.js module you wish existed or get ideas for modules
- Full Stack Radio #30 (11-23-2015)
- JavaScript Jabber #187 (11-25-2015)
- Changelog #184 (11-27-2015)
- Software Engineering Daily (12-29-2015)
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts
- What's New in Vue.js 1.0 on Sitepoint
- Build an App with Vue.js: From Authentication to Calling an API on Auth0 blog
- Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on Scotch.io
- Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit
- Vue.js build set-up from scratch with webpack, vue-loader and hot reload
- Vuex basics: Tutorial and explanation
- Vuex introduction video - James Browne from London Vue.js Meetup #1
- Vue.js 中文系列视频教程 on Laravist
- Vue.js: The Basics on Coligo.io
- Practical Intro to Components in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Develop a Reactive Invoice App using Vue.js on craigmckenna.com
- Understanding Filters in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in portuguese by @vedovelli
- Creating a Markdown Editor with VueJs and GitHub's API on Coligo.io
- Building a Real-Time Web Analytics Dashboard with NodeJs, Socket.io, and VueJs on Coligo.io
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts 0.12
- Build an App with Vue.js on Scotch.io 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js on Sitepoint 0.12
- Vue.js video series in portuguese 0.12
- Vue.js video series in russian on Ausite 0.12
- A Quick Introduction to Vue.js by Matt Sparks 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js + vue-router by Michael Calkins 0.12
- Many JS Frameworks but Vue.js Is Different by Taha Shashtari 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js - AngularJS perspective by Dan Mindru 0.11
- vue-cli: official CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
- vue-loader - Vue component loader for Webpack.
- vueify - Vue component transform for Browserify.
- vue-devtools - Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue applications.
- grunt-vueify - Translate
files to pure JavaScript, without using Browserify. (Useful for Electron apps) - vue-compiler - A simple CLI wrapper around vueify
- vue-autocompile - Atom.io package to compile
files on save. - vue-dev-server - A small webpack-based development server for building standalone
components - vue-go-cli - a CLI tool for scaffolding new projects generating components, services, and mixins.
- brunch-vue - Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.
- Sublime Text
- Atom by @hedefalk
- Atom (2) by @CYBAI
- Vim by @darthmall and @posva
- Visual Studio Code by Jim Liu
- Brackets by @pandao
- IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm by @henjue
- vue-router - Official router for building SPAs. 1.0 compatible
- Vue view, ui-router inspired routes (with states), based on pagejs by @molforp
- Vue page, a routing system based on pagejs by @AlexToudic
- Vue Lanes, an event-based routing system for Vue by @bpierre
- Vue route, ng-view inspired routes for Vue by @ayamflow
- voie — simple router / layout manager inspired by FSMs and ui-router by Boris Okunskiy1.0
- vue-resource - AJAX/Resource plugin maintained by the PageKit team. 1.0 compatible
- vue-async-data - Async data loading plugin 1.0 compatible
- vue-validator - Form validation plugin maintained by @kazupon 1.0 compatible
- Vue validator by @xrado
- vue-form by @fergaldoyle 1.0 compatible
- VueStrap, Bootstrap components built with pure Vue.js by @yuche 1.0
- VueBoot, Bootstrap v4 components by @Morgul 1.0
- vue-mdl: Reusable Vue.js components using Material Design Lite. By @posva
- vue-countup: A Vue.js component for the very interesting CountUp.js plugin. 1.0 compatible
- Vue Tag Editor Component by @hnakamur
- Vue Crop
- Vue Typeahead
- Typed select component by @dgerber
- vue-select: A Vue.js component implementing the select control with the jQuery select2 plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-html-editor: A Vue.js component implementing the HTML editor with the jQuery summernote plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-datetime-picker: A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-country-select: A Vue.js component implementing the select control used to select countries. It depends on vue-select and vue-i18n. By @Haixing-Hu
- Form generation from JSON Schema by @dgerber
- vue-panel: A suite of Vue.js components for building Flexbox layouts by @ericmcdaniel
- vue-google-maps: A suite of Vue.js components to build reactive Google Maps Applications by @GuillaumeLeclerc
- vue-transition: A component to trigger a CSS transition at any time by @Twiknight
- SVG icons, SVG sprites in form of a simple
component, by @kzima 1.0 - Extra Vuestrap components, more components built with just B4 and Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
- VueStrap Base Components, A complete set of Bootstrap 4 web components built with pure Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
- Vue YouTube Embed: a directive for Vue.js and YouTube by @kaorun343
- Vue datepicker: calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js by @hilongjw
- vue-date-picker: A simple datepicker component for Vue.js by @Bubblings
- vue-spinner: A collection of loading spinners with Vue.js.
- vue-image-loader: Async image loader for Vue.js by @eduardostuart
- Vue-progressbar: A lightweight progress bar for Vue.js by @hilongjw
- vue-clusterize: Invisible pagination / clusterize in vue
- Famous-Vue: Declarative Famous using Vue
- vue-waterfall: A waterfall layout component for Vue.js by @MopTym
- vue-charts: A Google Charts plugin for Vue.js by @haydenbbickerton
- vue-resize-handle: Resize elements by dragging / uni and bidirectional
- vux: Mobile web UI Components based on Vue and WeUI
- vue-select: Simple component that implements Select2/Chosen style dropdowns with no dependencies1.0
- Vue-slide: A lightweight slide component for Vue.js by @hilongjw
- Vue-quill: A Vue component implementing the Quill text editor by @brockreece
- vue-i18n: Internationalization plugin.
- vue-i18n: A plugin providing a global interface used to localize internationalized messages used in the
- vue-locale: Advanced localization support for VueJS
- Starter Application with JWT Auth + sample backend API in Laravel
- Node Webkit + Vue example by @brandonjpierce
- Vue Samples by @superlloyd
- HackerNews clone with vue.js + vue-router by @kazupon
- Electron + Vue example by @bradstewart
- Single page application example (Vue + Voie) by Boris Okunskiy
- Begin - Task Manager SPA written in Vue + Lumen by Raj Abishek
- Boilerplate for Vue.js plugin by @kazupon
- Boilerplate for Vue.js & Atom Electron by @rodzzlessa24
- vue-cli: official CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
- Vue generator: a simple yeoman generator for Vue by @BirdEggegg
- VENM stack yeoman generator by @jfelsinger
- Grail Yeoman Generator: a advanced yeoman generator for a modern modular one page web app, extendable with Vue.js alongside other nice tools
- VuePack: A modern starter for Vue and Webpack by @egoist
- VueWebgulp: A skeleton app using Vuejs, Gulp, and Webpack by @rodzzlessa24
- Vuetober: SPA scaffolding for October CMS
- vue-go-cli - a CLI tool for scaffolding new projects generating components, services, and mixins.
- Brunch with Vue - A skeleton application utilizing vue, vuex, vue-resource and vue-router.
- Vue for Meteor by @zhouzhuojie
- ScalaJS bindings for Vue.js by @fancellu
- Socketize Backend: Sync your model data to Socketize backend automatically. By @Socketize
- Vue-Meteor-Data Two-way-reactivity mixin for Vue and Meteor by @JakobRosenberg
- Vue Proerty Decorator: Property Decorators for Vue.js by @kaorun343
- vue-element: Register real custom elements with Vue.
- vue-touch: Hammer.js wrapper directives for touch gestures. (Updated for 1.0!)
- vue-animated-list: A Vue.js plugin for easily animating
rendered lists. - Vue placeholder directives by @lithiumjake
- Vue in viewport detection directive by @holic
- Vue once directive by @kewah
- Vue Modified Directive by @KyleRoss
- Maintain scroll position on page changes by @mark-hahn
- vue-titlecase: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to titlecase (different from capitalize) strings. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-format: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to format messages with arguments. By @Haixing-Hu application. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-clickaway: Assign a method to be called whenever user clicks away from the element. By @simplesmiler
- vue-focus: Manage input focus in the MVVM-friendly way. By @simplesmiler
- vue-transfer-dom: Transfer DOM to another location. by @rhyzx
- vue-lazyload: lazyloading images. by @hilongjw
- v-touch: The easiest way to use Hammer.js with Vue.js and use touch gestures. by @didierfranc Vue.js 1.x
- vue-mixins A collection of mixins aimed to replace some jQuery functionality
- vue-filters A collection of filters
- vue-round-filter filter for rounding with whichever decimal accuracy
- vue-paginate A simple plugin to use pagination in vue.js. by @TahaSh
- vue-super A simple plugin to call methods on parent components.
- vue-deepstream Plugin to simplify event subscription and event trigger when using deepstream.io
- PageKit [Source]
- Laravel Spark
- p5.js editor [Source]
- Python China [Source]
- npmcharts.com [Source]
- Todolist by @jiyinyiyong
- Dashboard framework by @thelinuxlich
- a simple notepad
- FilterBlend: CSS blend modes and filters playground by @ilyashubin
- Koel: Music streaming server
- Selection Translator [Source] A Chrome Extension let browse any language websites has never been easier.
- SwitchHosts [Source] Switch hosts quickly.
- RSS Reader Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js.
- Gokotta: A simple music player built by electron and vue.
- Coffeebreak Tool for live editing CSS components
- Formlets
- Laracasts
- Sainsbury's Entertainment onboarding platform
- esa.io
- N1.ru
- 稀土掘金
- Prague Airport
- Expressionery
- BUYIT by @Workswell Australia
- Portfolio Site by Corentin Bac
- Compare Prices by Currys & PCWorld
- Grammarly mistake-free writing service
- Laravist
- Atiiv An app aimed for personal trainers and their clients.
- Statamic
- Embalses! A tool to report water dam level using the U.S. Geological Survey database.
- TravelMap A simple way for travellers to create a blog based on a Map
- Facebook NewsFeed
- YouTube AdBlitz 2016
- Blood, Sweat and Tools - by Jam3, led by @cheapsteak
- Omnisense Experience - Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge. Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Being the Bear - Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge, Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Heineken Star Experience - FWA SOTD.
- Louis Ansa Website (portfolio) - Awwwards SOTD, FWA nominee.
- Digital For All
- Djeco.com
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Sina Weibo
- Xiaomi
- Ele.me
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo
- Celtra
- Sainsbury's