This is a self-build Advanced Malware Detection (AMD) for Mail based on Cuckoo Sandbox
Have you ever heard an advanced persistent threat (APT) attack? If not, you can read more about that [here] ( There are many commercial products to protect you against malware and APT, e.g FireEye, Lastline, Cisco AMP,... But, is there any free products we can use? Yes, it is Cuckoo Sandbox - a malware analysis system, and in here you can see CuckooMX - an AMD for Mail based on Cuckoo Sandbox. CuckooMX will auto analyse mails, including attachments and URLs to detect malwares
- Install Cuckoo, instruction in [here] (
- Install CuckooMX
git clone
- In case you want to use extended web interface with CuckooMX, install it via command
/bin/bash ./cuckoomx/webmx/
In CuckooMX, we have 2 modes inline and offside, but now inline mode is under development.
To use offside mode, enabled this mode in config file and edit parameter
in [offside]
section, it is where you store mails
enalbed = yes
store = /opt/zimbra/store/
Run Cuckoo via
python ./cuckoo/
Run Cuckoo API via
python ./cuckoo/utils/ --host --port 8090
Run CuckooMX via
python ./cuckoomx/