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elle - C Toolkit for CLSI LIS01-A2 and LIS02-A2 Protocols
R. Carbone ([email protected])
1Q 2020
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD
If you are impatient and not interested in the full story, here is the download button for a docker image with elle distribution in an interactive container based on GNU/Debian bullseye-slim (to be minimalist!):
The container is interactive, meaning that the Docker-CLI will talk directly with the LIS shell included in the image.
It can be easily pulled and run using the following commands:
user@somehost 1> docker pull roccocarbone/elle
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from roccocarbone/elle
5eabfc6d6a4a: Already exists
a4fb456d8edf: Already exists
33d68cfb304e: Already exists
2c0096ed9ac4: Already exists
Digest: sha256:c967c42c5c09ff2d1ba15c9020f2b14aa33af475493680ef68ab9c4a479d5dcf
Status: Downloaded newer image for roccocarbone/elle:latest
user@somehost 2> docker image ls
roccocarbone/elle latest f1d55d9f753f 48 minutes ago 85MB
user@somehost 3> docker run -it roccocarbone/elle
- lsh 0.1.0 (Apr 5 2020) -- R. Carbone ([email protected])
A hack of the popular 'tcsh' with builtin extensions for LIS protocols
Type 'help' for the list of builtin extensions implemented by this shell.
elle is a C implementation of CLSI LIS Services and Protocols to connect medical equipments, middlewares and laboratory systems over TCP/IPv4 networks.
elle includes a lot of software modules:
libelle - a C library to enable C-written applications to establish, use and release multiple connections with peer applications for the purpose of exchanging LIS Frames/Records in a network end-system architecture based on the TCP/IP Protocols accordingly to CLSI LIS international standards.
lsh - The first LIS shell for Linux Systems, implemented as a clone of the [tcsh] shell with extensions to add LIS commands, that include fileutils, connections, LIS Frames generators and senders over TCP/IPv4 Networks. lsh may be used as both an interactive tool for talking with medical applications and instruments/analyzers using LIS Protocols and an interpreter for the execution of testsuites.
lisc - a tiny-compiler able to convert raw LIS text files to C data structures (variables/structures/functions) for direct inclusion in C applications. Used mainly for development and a definition of consistent QA test environment.
liblis-files - a tiny C library for working with in memory LIS files each with its own Sessions/Records. Used mainly for development and a definition of consistent QA test environment.
standalone binary programs to play with LIS Protocols including:
- fileutils (lcat, lc, ldump, ltree)
- production servers (lvald, elled)
- testing servers (lnulld, lnakd, lackd, lslowd)
- testing clients (lrain, lsndfile)
- testing generators (lgen)
- tools (such a general-purpose elle-plugin loader to build and run complex architectures)