Offline HTML5/iOS/Android/Playbook feed and web page reader
- On an iOS or Playbook device, save a bookmark to the desktop to try out offline usage
- Wrap in phonegap, point www folder to the 'client' folder, build and run
- I'm addicted to HN.
- I hate the cognitive dissonance of ripping through articles with radically different text styles.
- My son's school is out of cell range and I like to read articles while waiting in the pickup line.
- I wanted to try on for size a variety of emerging technologies including HTML5, coffee-script, backbonejs, jquery mobile, phonegap and nodejs
- Pulls latest HN feed from a nodejs server
- Downloads the text of the articles via and stores them using HTML5 offline storage.
- Swipe to go to the next article
- Install nodejs
- npm node-static
- npm coffee-script
- cd longink/server
- coffee (coffee if you want auto re-load ala rails)
- Open a browser to http://localhost:8000
- Switch from storing page content in articles array to separate key'd item on save disk space
- Scroll to top after swiping right/left