Generate Partitioned Parquet with Given Schema and Generated Value According to the Given Schema
The main purpose of this application is to develop a general solution for high performance writing in parallel to multiple parquet files, where partitions are based on a specific time-based interval. The application should be flexible to support any schema provided by the user.
This part is only applicable for Windows users without local Hadoop installation!
- Please apply the solution
As a short list of the link above
* download winutil from
* create directory c:\hadoop\bin
* copy downloaded winutil.exe under c:\hadoop\bin
* set HADOOP_HOME=c:\hadoop
* create directory C:\tmp\hive
* winutils.exe chmod -R 777 C:\tmp\hive
* winutils.exe ls -F C:\tmp\hive
- Path parameters should be compatible with Windows. Always start with '/' and all '' characters must be escaped with ''. Example output file parameter: "-o /%TEMP%\par.out"
Clone to your local repository: git clone
Change directory: cd ParquetGenerator/
Compile: mvn compile
Run: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ind.rd.parquet.PartitionedParquetGenerator" -Dexec.args="-i doc/sample.schema"
Full list of the parameters are listed below;
Input parameters;
-i,--inputSchema <arg> Input message schema, requires string as the full path of the schema file
-l,--bufferLimit <arg> Number of records to buffer, accepts integer (10, 50, etc), default value is 200
-m,--memoryLimit <arg> Maximum memory buffer while partitioning, requires string as usual memory parameter (1g, 2048m, etc), default value is 1g
-o,--targetFileName <arg> Output file name, requires string as the full path of the partition directory, default value is /tmp/par.out
-r,--numberOfRecords <arg> Number of records to generate, accepts integer (10, 9999, etc), default value is 1000
-s,--partitionInterval <arg> Partitioning time interval as hours, accepts integer as hour (1, 12, etc), default value is 1
-t,--threadCount <arg> Number of threads, accepts integer (2, 4, etc), default value is 4
There is two test class exists.
- One for evolved to generate data, consume data and verify there is no record left behind
- The Second tester is to verify the partitions
mvn test
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Use only for local testing