This is a project from, only thing different is I used external dependencies for json file processing.
A CLI task app to refresh java and play with maven/docker/etc.
It's been years since I really touched java, so I'm refreshing it with small projects like this.
I'm adding in tests/build/deploy steps as well to update myself with the ecosystem a bit more.
# the <project-directory> is the directory you cloned this project in from GitHub
# typically the <maven-package-directory> is stored in the home directory of the user
> java -classpath /<project-directory>/task-tracker-cli/target/classes:/<maven-package-directory>/.m2/repository/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.11.0/gson-2.11.0.jar:/<maven-package-directory>/.m2/repository/com/google/errorprone/error_prone_annotations/2.27.0/error_prone_annotations-2.27.0.jar com.tasktracker.cli.Main list
The application generates a file taskStore.json
in the home directory of the current user. This file is the "local
storage" for the application.
To "reset" the app state just delete the json file.
- java
- classes & OOP
- exception handling
- project structure
- file/stream IO
- testing
- command line application
- terminal prompt dependency for cleaner command line prompts/output formatting/etc.
- application installer/deployment (linux/mac/windows)
- logging (SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade For Java) + LogBack or Log4J2)
- bash scripting
- Docker (for testing deployment of application onto a system other than my local)
- Maven (dependency management)
- Run a preview/diff before updating file if flag is present