[PPoPP24] AGAThA: Fast and Efficient GPU Acceleration of Guided Sequence Alignment for Long Read Mapping 
This repository is currently undergoing a major update.
It is strongly recommended to revisit this repository after a new release is made.
cd docker
bash build.sh
bash launch.sh
A sample dataset can be found in dataset/
AGAThA can be built by running the following code:
bash build.sh
cd ..
AGAThA was built on top of GASAL2.
Using AGAThA.sh
, we can use the following options for AGAThA.
-m the match score
-x the mismatch penatly
-q the gap open penalty
-r the gap extension penalty
-z the termination threshold
-w the band width in the score table
AGAThA requires two datasets as input;
- a fasta file with reference sequences labeled with sequence indices
- a fasta file with query sequences labeled with sequences indices Both files should follow the format below:
>>> 1
>>> 2
Fasta files can be downloaded from various sources such as GenBank or projects such as Genome in a Bottle.