An addictive puzzle game inspired by Tetris. Play it at
- Logan Engstrom (@lengstrom)
- Garrett Finucane (@garrettdreyfus)
- Noah Moroze (@nmoroze)
- Michael Yang (@themichaelyang)
Please submit pull requests to the branch clay-improvements
Hextris was created by a couple high school friends (who are now in college!) who unfortunately don't have as much time to update the game. If you'd like to support the open-source development of Hextris, please consider donating at:
ETH: 0xbf5414129552D37B4Fb12D058Cf1596B960d25b2
Disclosure: Please note that the version on uses Monero to support the developers. If you'd rather not play that version, an unmonetized version is available to play at:
This work is under a GPL v3 license.