A collection of code samples to help you get started with OpenShift.
- Custom Autoscaler
- Syncing a Registry for Bootstrapping Disconnected Installs
- Expanded Health Checks for EFK and Hawkular
- Quota Management - A sample strategy for managing Quotas
- NetworkPolicy Management - A sample strategy for managing Network Policy
- Pre and Post install OpenShift validation - Automation to ensure clusters are ready for use.
- Sample Install Inventories
- Capacity Planning Tooling - A Dashboard to help you make capacity decisions.
- Software Delivery Metrics Dashboard - A Dashboard to Measure the Flow of Software Features through a Value Stream
- OpenShift Applier - An Automation Framework for Kubernetes
- Containers Quickstarts - A set of quickstarts to help you get started building and deploying software on OpenShift
- Container Pipelines - A set of sample CI/CD Piplines for OpenShift