FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes.
An experiment in switching between syntax highlighting and scope colorizing built on JSLint and CodeMirror.
Avgrund is jQuery plugin with new modal concept for popups
regality / connect
Forked from senchalabs/connectConnect is a middleware layer for Node.js
Repo For Nathans University Programming Language Class
regality / node
Forked from nodejs/node-v0.x-archiveevented I/O for v8 javascript
regality / winston
Forked from winstonjs/winstonA multi-transport async logging library for node.js
node module to get email address for sms messaging
ifit / node-googlemaps
Forked from moshen/node-googlemapsA simple way to query the Google Maps API from Node.js
regality / Geolib
Forked from manuelbieh/geolibSmall library to provide some basic geo functions
ASCII animals in your terminal, for any occasion.
regality / sjcl
Forked from bitwiseshiftleft/sjclStanford Javascript Crypto Library
regality / diaspora
Forked from diaspora/diasporaDistributed and contextual social networking
A simple route matching / url building utility. Intended to be included as part of a larger routing library.
NodeJs module to access the facebook graph api
Zero dependency library to provide some basic geo functions