- Vienna/Austria
- http://reinhardpoetz.com
RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics"
A Distance-based Solr spatial clustering plugin
A sample using Indoqa Boot - https://github.com/Indoqa/indoqa-boot
A simple HTTP proxy that can be used inside Java Servlet environments like Wicket, JavaSpark etc. or inside a ServletFilter.
Embedded OSGi container implementation based on Apache Felix
Run Java application packaged in a single JAR file.
Additions to Java that would be expected being part of the Java standard library or Apache Commons Lang | IO.
The Indoqa Maven Parent POM for opensource software.
Sample project that shows how to use Maven and Sonar to measure code coverage
Coding guidelines and tool configurations that implement them
Indoqa Quickstart Boot - Releases
A Maven plugin to detect package cycles in Java code.
Eslint rules for Indoqa react projects, based on eslint-config-airbnb.
Browse the content of a Zookeeper ensemble
A Spring FactoryBean for Solr 5.x clients.
Collect, analyze and search event based data. Based on Apache Solr.
Use Apache Zookeeper without the pain of state management
Maven Bill of Material for Solr and Zookeeper