- Nokia blobs are owned by Nokia™.
- The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for Nokia blobs.
- Post process type sound effect ported from Nokia G22 (SFI) and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk
- No user interface activity
- https://dumps.tadiphone.dev/dumps/nokia/sfi ussi_sunfire_full-user-14-UP1A.231005.007-eng.jenkin.20240717.151552-release-keys
- libmagiskpolicy.so: Kitsune Mask R6687BB53
- arm64-v8a or armeabi-v7a architecture
- Magisk or KernelSU or Kitsune Mask or Apatch or something similar installed
Install this module https://www.pling.com/p/2236440/ via Magisk app or KernelSU app or Recovery if Magisk installed
Install AML Magisk Module https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/29836 only if using any other else audio mod module
You can boost internal speaker sound by running this command in Termux:
resetprop persist.audio.sys.boostmode 1
To turn it off:
resetprop persist.audio.sys.boostmode 0
resetprop -p --delete persist.audio.sys.boostmode
- Global: https://t.me/ryukinotes/34
- https://t.me/ryukinotes/54
- If you don't do above, issues will be closed immediately
- @HuskyDG
- https://t.me/viperatmos
- https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions
- You can contribute ideas about this Magisk Module here: https://t.me/androidappsportdevelopment