A complete NFT project for the Classy Dogs collection with art-generator, whitelisting, presale and reveal.
An advanced starter project for interacting with Ethereum on the Internet Computer
Gantt Gantt Gantt Timeline Schedule Calendar [ javascript gantt, js gantt, projects gantt, timeline, scheduler, gantt timeline, reservation timeline, react gantt, angular gantt, vue gantt, svelte g…
About Build an complete `Hotel-Room-Booking-System` projects using React.js, Next.js, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Tailwind-CSS & And-Design.
About This project is a online bus reservation app built using React and Redux on the frontend, and Express and Node JS on the backend using an MVC pattern
Capstone Project: vaccine booking systems for Frontend Admin, this project is belong to Full Stack Engineering program by Alterra Academy - Kampus Merdeka
The project is based on an app to book an appointment with a health specialist(Doctor). The doctor appointment booking app permits healthcare providers to manage their appointments with increased e…
Chef Available!? is a chef booking app I made to practice building a full-stack application with technologies such as React and Node.js with express. It served as my final project at Codaisseur.
A simple graphite exporter for gathering Kafka consumer group info from [burrow]
About React App that displays upcoming sports games and their betting lines from the most popular bookmakers
geremylabrador / cami.js
Forked from kennyfrc/cami.jsA minimalist & flexible toolkit for interactive islands & state management in hypermedia-driven web applications.
geremylabrador / dn-institute
Forked from 1712n/dn-instituteDistributed Networks Institute
Golang Microservices for implementing pub/sub messesing using RabbitMQ.
This project is a clone of which is a hotel, flights and cabs booking website, It is a group project which is done by 5 members and was completed in the duration of 5 days