An Elixir client for the DNSimple API v2.
You will have to add the dnsimple
app to your mix.exs
file as a dependency:
def deps do
{:dnsimple, "~> 1.0.0"}, #...
And then add it to the list of applications that should be started:
def application do
[applications: [
:dnsimple, #...
# Create a client passing the proper settings
iex> client = %Dnsimple.Client{access_token: "TOKEN", base_url: ""}
# Check the login
iex> {:ok, response} = Dnsimple.Identity.whoami(client)
# => %{"account" => %{"created_at" => "2014-05-19T14:20:32.263Z",
# => "email" => "[email protected]", "id" => 1,
# => "updated_at" => "2015-04-01T10:07:47.559Z"}, "user" => nil}
# Start Dnsimple app
# Create a client passing the proper settings
client = %Dnsimple.Client{access_token: "TOKEN", base_url: ""}
# Check the login
You can configure DNSimple inside of your app's config.exs
. For example, if you have a development config, inside dev.exs
config :dnsimple, base_url: ""
Now you can simply call client = %Dnsimple.Client{access_token: "TOKEN"}
The client logs the requests made to the DNSimple API:
iex(2)> Dnsimple.Identity.whoami(client)
09:45:08.229 [debug] [dnsimple] GET
%Dnsimple.Response{data: %Dnsimple.Whoami{account: %Dnsimple.Account{email: "[email protected]",
id: 63, plan_identifier: "dnsimple-professional"}, user: nil},
http_response: %HTTPoison.Response{...},
pagination: nil, rate_limit: 2400, rate_limit_remaining: 2398,
rate_limit_reset: 1482745464}}
The log level used for this is debug
. If you want to disable it you will have to configure the logging level of your app (as it's set to debug
level by default).
config :logger, level: :info
We highly recommend testing against our sandbox environment before using our production environment. This will allow you to avoid real purchases, live charges on your credit card, and reduce the chance of your running up against rate limits.
The client supports both the production and sandbox environment. To switch to sandbox pass the sandbox API host using the base_url
option when you construct the client:
client = %Dnsimple::Client{base_url: "", access_token: "a1b2c3"}
You will need to ensure that you are using an access token created in the sandbox environment. Production tokens will not work in the sandbox environment.
You customize the User-Agent
header for the calls made to the DNSimple API:
client = %Dnsimple::Client{user_agent: "my-app", access_token: "a1b2c3"}
The value you provide will be appended to the default User-Agent
the client uses. For example, if you use my-app
, the final header value will be dnsimple-elixir/1.0 my-app
(note that it will vary depending on the client version).
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Aetrion LLC. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.