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PHP Management code for Galène rooms.

Main purpose

When you have to admin a Galène server for a large audience, you need to create, delete rooms regularly.

Main idea is to let (advanced) users do this for you.


For now, there is no specific release, only the main branch on github.

git clone /var/www/html/room

This code is a PHP code for a web server; obviously, you will need :

  • php,
  • php-fpm or mod_php or FastCGI,
  • php-curl for hcaptcha,
  • a web server, like nginx or apache2...
  • a Galène server (easier if it is on the same server, otherwise you will need to share the {sub,}group directory for this web server.


Basic configuration is available in inc/config.php. Please adjust it to fit your needs.

Directory and web server

You will need a web server that have write permissions on a {sub,}group directory (see inc/config.php).

So, the {apache,nginx} user (eg.: www-data) must have write access to the {sub,}group directory.

Let's say we will create a subdirectory in the Galène group directory, for example /home/galene/groups/sub:

chown -R www-data /home/galene/groups/sub

To clean the group directory, just add a basic crontab; for instance:

@daily find /home/galene/groups/sub -mtime +30 -delete

To avoid access to the api which allow to create groups anonymously, please create an .htpasswd file:

apt-get install apache2-utils
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd test_user

Otherwise, if you do not need it, you can delete your api folder. However, for now, there is no other way to list rooms, delete a room or display room's details (obviously, you still can do this from your terminal on the server (...)).

You will find a nginx configuration example in the utils directory (using php-fpm, Let's encrypt and Galène). If you want 2 htpasswd files (one for room creation and another one for the api access), you can use utils/nginx/galene_with2users. If you do so, you will have to modify URLs for the api access; for instance, https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/list.php becomes https://galene.domain.tld/api/list.php.


php-curl is required for hcaptcha. To configure hcaptcha, please login on their dashboard to create a site key and a secret key.

You will need these values in inc/hcaptcha.php. Otherwise, you will have to disable hcaptcha (set it to false).


Room creation

For basic usage, you can create rooms by using the basic form (https://galene.domain.tld/room/create.php).

For the API, please use curl:

curl --user test_user:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"op": [{"username": "titi", "password":"toto"},{"username": "foo", "password":"bar"}],"presenter": [{}]}' https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/add.php

Listing rooms

curl --user test_user:secret https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/list.php

Display room details

For a test Galène group:

curl --user test_user:secret https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/read.php?filename=test.json
# or:
curl --user test_user:secret https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/read.php?groupname=test

Delete a room

curl --user test_user:secret https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/delete.php?filename=test.json
# or:
curl --user test_user:secret https://galene.domain.tld/room/api/delete.php?groupname=test


PHP Management for Galène rooms







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