Publish articles directly from Google Drive to your blog with React JS. Simple setup with no transpiling.
Live demo here:
- A dynamic site, but no backend to manage, no database, no server, no hosting & no maintenance
- A MS Word-like and MS Excel-like interface that users are familiar with
- Disqus comments system integration
- SendGrid email forwarding integration so that you can receive messages from the contact form on your email address.
- Regular URLs (no hashbang)
- A simple blog starter kit that can be easily customized to your liking.
In your Google Drive, create folders and files following the names and structure used here :
Add to the "Dashboard" sheet the following bound script: . This will create a new "Update" button with which you can automatically update the Dashboard file. Change the projectFolderName on line 9 in the Dashboard Script to the name of your drive folder if necessary. Publish the Dashboard sheet to the web via File>Publish to the Web.
In order for the contact form to work, publish the following script as a Google Web App: . In your "Visitors" Google spreadsheet, go to Tools>Script Editor. You can create a free SendGrid account and paste your SendGrid API key in the script. Save the script and click on Publish>Deploy as Web App. .
Fill in the correct values in ./conf.js :
- "dashboardId" is the id of the "Dashboard" Google spreadsheet.
- "sendContactMessageUrlId" is the id of the Google Web App script that does the email forwarding
- "shortname" is the website's Disqus identifier
- "root" is an optional url parameter, that would be the name of the project on GitHub pages.
Push to a "gh-pages" branch on GitHub to publish on GitHub Pages
That's it!
- Add the repo folder as Sources overrides in Chrome DevTools( how to )
- Open page "chrome://net-internals/#hsts" in Chrome and add "drivecms.local" as HSTS domain
- You should now be able to open http://drivecms.local/ in Chrome
- Edit source code in "drivecms.local" folder
- No need to build or compile, just refresh the http://drivecms.local/ page to view changes