This work allows you to search pokemons by name or selecting one from a list in real time, also the pokedex speaks to you with the name and the characteristics of the pokemon
- Html5
- Sass
- Css
- Javascript
- Vuejs
To get a local copy of this pokedex just follow the instruction
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/renatodev27/pokedex.git
- Open the index.html file with your predeterminated or favourite web browser
Once you open the proyect on the left side of the pokedex you have a screen and an yellow text input, you can use it to type and search a pokemon by his name. On the right side you have the list of the pokemons (if you haven't search or select one yet) and you can select one of them to show all his characteristics or see the pokemon information (health, attack, defense, speed, experience) once you search or select one from the list in this same side of the pokedex.
Renato Ramos Paretto - [email protected] - [email protected]
Project Link : https://github.com/renatodev27/pokedex.git