This application implements a Golang backend using Hexagonal Architecture which aims to decouple the components of the domain/application from the frameworks like http server, storage and others.
To demonstrate this, this application implements a simple URL Shortener which makes use of different adapters. The application can be executed from command-line, or as a service (HTTP and gRPC).
- Implement some service using the principles of the Hexagonal Architecture.
- Use more than one framework for the same function, to demonstrante how the ports and adapters works in practice.
- Create a project template.
- MongoDB
- Redis
- MessagePack
- Gin http server
- Chi http server
- gRPC
The application needs an instance of Redis or MongoDB running. Just check the cmd/cli/main.go or cmd/http/main.go and adjust the connection string for your servers.
$ go run cmd/cli/main.go
You would get an output like the following:
Generating Code from URL:
Retrieve the URL from code: LWK9v1Qng
$ go run cmd/http/main.go
You would get an output like the following:
CHI listening on :8000
GIN listening on :9000
GRPC listening on :7000
From now, you can perform HTTP requests on http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:9000
Method GET
Endpoint: <hostname:port>/:code
Code is the short code generated from a given URL.
Method POST
Endpoint: <hostname:port>/
"url": ""
Example using curl:
curl --request POST 'localhost:9000/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"url": ""}'
Expected output
The code show how to use evans in interactive mode to perform gRPC call.
cd adapter/grpc/proto
evans --host localhost --port 7000 --proto shortener_msg.proto,shortener_service.proto
- Add adapter for Jwt and Paseto tokens